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Everything posted by SWINΞ

  1. Help? 



    1. Chris


      I saw it on discogs before but now it's gone????

      They don't delete pages unless it's a duplicate of another???

  2. So have we figured this out yet? I took this screenshot just after midnight brit1





    1. Snow


      This was the woodvale collection from back in December:


  3. Who would be generous enough to make me a beautiful Gaga or Lorde set so that my posts don’t look so damn ugly?


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Freaky Prince
    3. Chris


      I would love to join the graphics team if I had a talent for it dead1 

      You can ask @CHANEL #1 tho oprah14 

    4. Scarlet Witch

      Scarlet Witch

      you can write a request in the thread and (i think u can) tag the graphics team with @/Graphics Team! :)

      i'd be more happy to help you if you haven't found anyone to do it though nicki5

  4. Why does the Chromatica Wiki page say Free Woman is a single?
  5. Getting ready to release Cheek to Cheek 2 while simultaneously coordinating a re-drop of Chromatica of course.
  6. Gaga really released her best video since the ARTPOP film and I’m so shook

  7. I love your avi!!!

    1. Tama


      Thank you bey13. Henry Cavill looks better but I wanted the comics Supe visual jj2.

  8. I’m not sure what to make of this
  9. Clearly, it’s not going to be promoted as the lead anymore
  10. #musicnotthenbling Its also been a really good move for free promo
  11. Kesha is really about to release the best album of her career huh? 

    1. Princess Aurora
    2. edwinfg


      starting the decade just right jj2 

  12. I get the bridge comment. Maybe the leak was a almost finished demo and a new bridge is coming. We can he delusional, right? (Burqa Vibes).
  13. What if Stupid Love isn’t even the lead and we get something else this week