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Blog Comments posted by SWINΞ

  1. 55 minutes ago, petedagrk said:

    Here's some movies I'd recommend:

    MV5BODcwMzkyOTMyM15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMTA2 (2008) MV5BMTM1NDE2MjA2M15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNzIy (2006) MV5BMjk4ODA4MDYyNl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMDM0 (2003)  MV5BYjljMDE0ZWMtMjA2NC00NWUyLWEzZjktOTIw(2003)

    MV5BMTkxNTk4MTU5Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwOTY0 (2013) MV5BMDA1MzUyMWUtZDk4Yy00MDU3LTg5ODktNTRh (2008) MV5BNDA5NTk2MTgxMl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNTY1 (2008) MV5BNDk1Mzk3NjYxOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMjAz (2003)

    MV5BMTY5Mzc3NjUwM15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwOTcx (2004) MV5BNjIwMjc5OTc4N15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODUx (2004) MV5BMzAxMjBkYzEtOGNjZC00OGE4LWJlNmEtNWNm (2001)  

    We're The World Mine - Adv, Comedy, Fantasy- A bullied and demoralized gay student at an all-boys school uses a magical flower derived from Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream' to turn many in his community gay, including a comely rugby player for himself.   IMDB: 7.0

    The Curiosity of Chance - Comedy- A confident, out-of-the-closet gay teenager has the support of an eclectic range of friends while dealing with a homophobic bully during his first year at an international high school.    IMDB: 6.8

    Latter Days -  Comedy, Drama, Romance - A promiscuous gay party animal falls for a young Mormon missionary, leading to crisis, cliché, and catastrophe.  IMDB: 7.1

    The Mudge Boy - Crime, Drama, Romance - Sensitive, somewhat effeminate farm-boy Duncan Mudge can barely cope with grim, since Ma's death even gloomier father Edgar's manly expectations, and seeks comfort in petting a chicken he associates with his late Ma. Macho mate Perry Foley, who has it physically even harder on his dad's farm, usually comforts Duncan and defends his 'wimpiness' to their cocky ruffian mates Travis, Scotty and Brent. But although clearly attracted to gentle gentile Ducan himself, the socially unacceptable suggestion of 'sissy' homosexuality makes Perry over-react and turn on his friend.   IMDB: 7.2

    G.B.F. - Comedy, Romance - What happens after Tanner is outed by his classmates and becomes the title "gay best friend" for three high school queen bees?   IMDB: 6.0

    Dream Boy- Drama, Romance - Chronicles the relationship between two gay teenagers in the rural south in the late '70s.   IMDB: 6.2

    Watercolors- Drama, Romance- A story about two classmates - one smart and openly gay and the other school swimming star. They grow as friends and discover their attraction to each other. This story has been told many times but the characters in this version are very endearing.    IMDB: 6.0

    Mambo Italiano- Comedy, Drama, Romance- The son of Italian immigrants to Canada struggles to find the best way to reveal to his parents that he's gay.   IMDB: 6.7

    Touch of Pink- Drama, Comedy, Romance- A gay Canadian living in London has his perfectly crafted life upset when his devoutly Muslim mother comes to visit.   IMDB: 6.6

    Dorian Blues- Comedy, Drama, Romance - High school senior Dorian begins a gay man's odyssey when he determines that he's gay and decides to come out. Chief among concerns is the reaction of his father, who has never liked him.  IMDB: 6.9

    All Over The Guy - Comedy, Romance- "All Over The Guy" is a contemporary romantic comedy about the quest to find the "one" when "the one" doesn't know he's the "one." It explores the unlikely pairing of two 20-somethings thrown together by their respective best friends in hopes of igniting their own romance. They do everything they can to NOT fall in love, but finally they overcome the dysfunction of their parents and surrender to their hearts.   IMDB: 6.6

    I LOVE We’re The World Mine!!

  2. This makes me very sad to read. I happen to know the Bible has been misinterpreted/translated in a lot of anti-gay passages. I don’t believe GOD doesn’t want gay marriage but it is possible the biblical authors chose to oppose it and include it in scripture, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the view of the divine, remember this. 


    The only thing I disagree with is the comparison with #ThisIsNotUS with #NotAllMen because the idea is not that white people are acting repulsively but that the US as a whole is. I don’t think “us” was meant to mean “white people” I think it means “Americans”. 
