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Everything posted by Michael

  1. This song still slays my life. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49AfuuRbgGo
  2. Oh my god, I'm jealous of you. I mean, I know it was THAT concert but you still got to see her alive, she is truly a legend. Azealia is ruining her chances of being taken seriously simply because she has the worst attitude ever and ever since 212 was a hit she has became majorly egotistical. My favourite Britney album is In The Zone. That album is just so beyond perfect to me.
  3. This is probably for the best in the long run, but Mimi will be working very hard.
  4. amy, aaliyah, eminem, M.I.A. i also stan for azealia but i'm this fucking close to throwing in my stan card
  5. I think it was between Diplo and Sia, and they are both working with Britney. :cheer: And thank you It's nice to find a place where I can be both a Gaga fan and a Britney fan peacefully. I'm 17.
  6. I need dat respect from u my boy I'm sick and tired u played me like a toy You always gotta lie, beg, steal and borrow Shoulda seen the truth in you before I dropped my shit COZ TONIGHT I'M GONNA WERK BITCH~ WERK WERK WERK TONIGHT I'M GONNA WERK BITCH~ WERK WERK WERK TONIGHT I'M GONNA WERK BITCH~
  7. So since Elastic Heart isn't on Katy's album is it safe to say it's for Britney?
  8. Getting Mariah teas from the first pic tbh
  9. I laughed so hard. and when the audience went crazy when Gaga said "pussy" before Swine. Ruined such a somber moment.
  10. I need to hear this masterpiece.
  11. Yes. I love it. It gives me chills every time I hear it. I feel that if you took away the intro the beginning of the dance part wouldn't be as powerful.
  12. I don't really care if he's on the album or not but I guess he is better suited to Miley than Britney.
  13. She's coming to slay the lessors with those abs .gif' alt='ny11'>