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Everything posted by Michael

  1. Food, but it's close Christmas or Birthdays?
  2. Both, but probably bottom first. Tony Bennett
  3. I adore both, but 'Applause' wins for me.
  4. Britney Spears - Hold It Against Me 1. 'Hold It Against Me' 2. 'Paradise' 3. 'Escape the Crowd' 4. 'Spark' 5. 'Beating Loud' 6. 'Drop It Like a Hood' 7. 'Just Your Type' 8. 'A Little Closer' 9. 'Forgive Me' 10. 'Vacation'
  5. I like Femme Fatale and B9.
  6. I can't believe it's already been almost 8 months since my artRave! Where does the time go?
  7. I hope the BBMAs dont get cancelled due to ankleney
  8. This is actually happening? I thought it was fan fiction like that Mean Girls: The Reunion trailer. The cast looks good, so there's hope. But if it's bad they better hide from me
  9. I just finished rewatching Asylum, and holy fuck I forgot how good it was.
  10. probably xtina when she looks at her own record sales
  11. and the billboard performance will probably earn them a tony award britney is the modern MJ, meryl, and elaine paige
  12. why is louise so pressed tho ??? maybe coz he never got zayns candy-flavoured D in the 5 years they were in the band together??? hmm
  13. i'm still dying at "viral video" being part of xtina's so called "brand" psy who? tbh
  14. why not just give them the vma and grammy now tbh
  15. Giorgio Moroder (feat. Britney Spears) - 'Tom's Diner'
  16. OMG slay queen but i thought she went back to LA? i hope somebody is feeding the chickens
  17. when Ex-tina stans resort to bragging about Jimmy Fallon viral videos when the viral video was about an impersonation of Britney The kiii's write themselves And if we're bringing up The Voice to prove ha musical relevancy, then I guess Paula Abdul was the Queen of Pop from 2002-2009.