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Everything posted by Michael

  1. I actually live for the middle 8 of Tom's Diner with Giorgio's weird voice So hypnotic .
  2. but even if pigs learnt how to fly and christina got a solo top 20 hit, britney would still be more relevant and her brand would still be bigger. Britney Spears is Britney Spears, that's why. She's an icon, Christina is not.
  3. but britney has always been more relevant than xtina and always will be denying is it pointless. xtina would probably admit it herself
  4. you do realize that by pointing out any flaw you see in britney all you are doing is dragging your own fave like, yeah... britney hasn't performed on TV in 4 years, and yet she's still more relevant than Xtina who is on TV weekly i look forward to reading your next reply demanding that xtincta is relevant !!!!11!! get to work bitch
  5. Keep trying sis It's cute watching you scramble for pieces of evidence that Xtina is musically relevant. So far the best you've came up with is a few things Britney could do in her sleep. And of course Xtina 'chooses' not to tour, it would be embarrassing to walk out to a half empty House of Blues every night. Instead of talking again after the Pretty Girls live performance, why don't we catch up after Christina's next ticketed concert. That way we'll never talk again.
  6. DRAG HA KING ZAYN. Louis is so salty it's ridic
  7. Not you boasting about The Voice Not you proving my point without even realizing You'd think being on a high-rated (albeit dying) TV show would be enough to give ha a hit, but nope. You'd think winning a Grammy (for a feature) would be enough to book her a concert. A House of Blues, a high school cafeteria, anything really, but nope. The fact that Christina featured on a song called 'Say Something' when the public really wouldn't notice if she said nothing. While I understand that it must be frustrating to stan for someone who's music releases are as rare as a big foo
  8. I've been MIA on here for a long time, but now I'm back to rise up lotus rise this is the beginning
  9. The one who's an icon, Macy. Don't know the other one.
  10. Hahaha, please don't. At least there's enough interest in Britney for her to even release new music, or even you know...hold her own concert. Something Christina hasn't done in years. Poor thing can't even book a stage. Meanwhile, Britney returns to her show which is the best-selling show in Vegas. It's so petty that Xtina fans get so wound up that she's always been second rate to Britney. The girl has a good voice, just focus on that!
  11. Make Me - Janet Jackson Inside Out - Britney Spears Crash - Gwen Stefani Happy - Pharrell Williams Applause - Lady Gaga Every Little Word - MNEK L​ittlest Things - Lily Allen
  12. Pretty Girls - Britney Spears and Iggy Azalea
  13. Imma need this song to be a smash, it deserves it.
  14. I'm so happy that Godney is back with more music to baptise us with