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Everything posted by imahunter

  1. Like… wth the wig: crusty (she didn’t even bother to comb it) her lips/fillers are distracting a broken mirror is a very outdated, basic and overdone concept. I expected way more, specially considering chromatica's cover. the black and white filter makes it look like an instagram post. it is not ICONIC it is not even meme worthy
  2. It’s what Madonna was serving as she was about to turn 40 and what she was serving when she was at the end of her 40’s which clearly shows she’s the superior artist.
  3. She looks dehydrated and the wig look stiff. An utter uninspired MESS! compare it to: Ray of light or confessions on a dancefloor covers
  4. She legit has ZERO talent She makes Methney look like an EGOT recipient
  5. The GP has an issue with Madonna refusing to be humble. Madonna is unapologetic about her success and she believes in herself. You can see the positive comments Celine Dion and Dolly Parton get because they’re subservient and people’s pleasers. Madonna on the other hand is an alpha woman. A leader not a follower. its crazy to me that Madonna managed to become the most successful female artist of all time despite her strong and polarizing personality.
  6. No Bruno, Bradley or Ariana, no hit.
  7. She’s the epitome of “great gowns, beautiful gowns” her music, asides from a few amazing singles and deep cuts, it’s mostly mediocre.
  8. Doesn’t she have a kid to raise? She’s always on Twitter searching her name or shading people younger than her
  9. shes honestly a sociopath. i dont think shes mentally well. Shes always imagining things.
  10. People are not here for her anymore, she's over commercially. That's a well known fact
  11. Unapologetic Bitch was really well executed. They did a great job putting all those different people together and everything flowing together amazingly. To me this was as good as the Confessions tour. Like i would be proud to play this when i have friends over.
  12. it was perfect. now im so tired at work cuz i stayed up too late to watch it. Can't wait to get home and watch it all over again
  13. live in 28 minutes bitches! STREAMING LINK FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO LIVE OUTSIDE THE US OR DON'T HAVE SHOWTIME: http://tv4embed.com/usa/showtime.html who is watching? let's discuss
  14. Billboard's 2016 Woman of The year on her way to pick up her award. Slaying in Gucci https://instagram.com/p/BNzkcRqhg5j/