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About banditblob

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    Certified: Warrior
  1. I don't think it means that Jessica Simpson is irrelevant is just that nobody bothered to listen to this fake artist, she has less than 10 plays on last.fm and about the same on Spotify. I think it says a lot that having so many followers does not entitle you to say that you are famous. It means nothing.
  2. I'm still surprised part 1 made so much money, it wasn't bad but it was so not a blockbuster with its slow pace and very little action.
  3. and saying "what the fuck is that?" when the lady brought the donuts was very rude.
  4. This video explains how much youtubers really make
  5. lol. I expect someone now to photoshop those gifs with the faces of divas.
  6. http://www.celebitchy.com/428537/star_brad_pitt_is_bisexual_hes_been_sleeping_with_rent_boys_for_10_years/ LOL
  7. Why are her albums so expensive?
  8. Didn't this happen at a Beyonce concert once too?
  9. No one will remember her saying this a year from now. Kesha, Vanessa Carlton, and Nelly Furtado also said something similar and no ever talks about it anymore.
  10. The show was always trash, and that's why I liked it.
  11. and no one's faves from this site will be on it. Bye.