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Status Replies posted by Hylia

  1. I guess my greatest failure as a collector is not buying the ARTPOP vinyl before it went out of print and the cheapest you can find now is like $250 brit2

  2. bye bye miss american pie demi1

    drove my chevy to the levy demi1
    but the levy was dry demi1
    And good old boys were drinking whiskey and rye demi1

  3. OMG Kim Petras just followed me on Twitter fall8 

  4. The Rep Lounge is back


  5. @Jae is begging for thread

  6. Sylk

    Sylk    Hylia

    oh she's sweet but a psycho a lil bit psycho 


    at night she's screaming i'm ma-ma-ma my mind


  7. I haven't listened to the album yet but Lover truly has a terrible fucking cover. lol3 is she making them herself?

  8. Ooh it's my 12th Birthday today. moo8

    1. Hylia


      Can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic, or if you legit don’t realize you put 12th birthday fall8 

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  9. I just dropped the LAST bite of my croissant. It's so good that I almost ate it on the floor like a chicken  giveup3

  10. Sylk

    Sylk    Hylia

    look at the mole

    Image result for mariah carey mole

    Image result for mariah carey mole

    Image result for mariah carey mole

  11. Madeon is apparently returning for LG6?? I’m for it

  12. golden hate doesn’t make play me once any less AWFUL!!!!

  13. golden hate doesn’t make play me once any less AWFUL!!!!
