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Status Updates posted by Shego

  1. I randomly remembered the @/Urbanov guy (i don't remember his real name), why is his profile not visible anymore? scream2 I remember the time he introduced me to Sujfan Stevens music tay10 @Madonna girl do you remember him? 

    1. Dennis Reynolds

      Dennis Reynolds

      His account was deleted by his request, which is not something we normally grant but did given the circumstances.

    2. Chris


      are Urbi's posts still up though? ohno1 

  2. she looks 30 years old again omg oprah15


  3. No more troll account for IG, made a new one, if you're a fotp bestie, drop your ig @ to follow u antm1

  4. Prisoner by Miley and Dua really one of the best 2020s songs katy1

  5. Too busy lately i can't even post something here brit2

    1. hungrybutyes


      Gurl you're not the only one ny10


      My job kept requiring us to work for 10-11 hours a day because we needed to finish requests even after our shift. rip3

  6. you stuck on me like a tattoo-oo-oo


  7. Just had sex with a guy that literally came in 20 seconds


    1. Chris


      that's devastating giveup1 

    2. Max


      Rihanna - Get It Over With.mp3 ari9

    3. Sabrin


      you didnt have sex, you had x brit12

  8. Scream VI is by far top 3 Scream movies. The action scenes had me nervous, oh WIG.

    1. Max


      Oh wow, the tea! giveup3


      Scream, Scream 2 and this one - a trinity giveup4 

  9. any link for the halftime???

  10. objectively, he's a very pretty man cry4


  11. YouTube autoplays 80's music, 80's music is so much uplifting, danceable and innocent sounding omg

  12. i love this posted so much cry7 


  13. wait a minute- oprah15


  14. Last day of 2022 and officially heartbroken cry8

  15. When someone tells you that you ignoring him, and you start talking to him and message him daily so HE can start ignoring you jj4 That's why you can't have a normal relationship in this community, or start one jj4

  16. her mind 


  17. Going to have sex after 5 months tomorrow, i forgot how to do it


    1. Kristina
    2. Pink Wig

      Pink Wig

      have fun and take it slow



  18. No Hagrid, i can't take it


  19. Deserves AOTY


  20. Does anyone here knows how to use excel well? Cause i'm ready to slap someone nicki5 

    1. Chris


      ive only ever used Google Sheets kesha5 

  21. Today is my birthday and i'm in a bad mood once more


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chris


      happy bday!

    3. i wish you were gay
    4. ajp


      41195982-0-image-a-32_1617227110481.jpgHappy Birthday! Put your grills in, get your tits out and party! 

  22. I lost my grandfather 6 months ago, and i'm about to lose my second one too soon. Both in the same year. missj1

    If there's a god up there, he better be ready when i arrive cause i'm going to beat him up. missj1

  23. why i have the member of the month title below my avi for 1.5 month nicki5 

    1. Dennis Reynolds

      Dennis Reynolds

      Minor oversight, fixed now!
