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Everything posted by MichaelS24895

  1. All the disco songs were way a head of its time. the Timbaland stuff was dead on arrival
  2. This would be a huge hit if it was released now a days. Defo a head of it's time
  3. I love the fact that many people don't know about this. Just shows that Madonna is really an icon with so much life and personality and depth that we will all get to enjoy until the day she decides to retire.
  4. This would of been a great video if the performances on the tour was anything to go by
  5. I remember when the song first came out and everyone thought it was average :)
  6. This is the first Mariah album I ever was old enough to pay attention to and it doesn't disappoint!
  7. The Art Of Letting Go is one of the best songs on it. Should of kept that title instead of the current one. The Art of Letting Go is one of those songs that sounds better on an album than as a single
  8. I will be slayed if it's Madonna. Please God!!!
  9. Ray Of Light and Like A Prayer - Madonna Aphrodite - Kylie Blackout - Britney Pure Heroine - Lorde This tread was cruel omg so many great albums I had to leave behind! Special mention to Confessions On A Dance Floor and Music - Madonna. In The Zone - Britney. Kiss - Carly Rae Jepsen and Light Years - Kylie. I could go on.
  10. That surprised me too. They probably picked it because it's a very long album
  11. I'm happy with all the singles so far. MDNA - I'm Addicted and maybe a ballad too (Masterpiece?) Prism - Needs to have Walking On Air as a single. This Moment and Legendary Lovers would be good too ARTPOP - Gypsy and Burqa (I refuse to call it Aura) The video for Burqa would be so good!!!!
  12. These figures are really low for the biggest music market in the world. I hate the idea of people not buying albums anymore
  13. Surprised about Cher Llyod and Robyn's figures too. Thought they would flop harder.
  14. That is a good point actually. I haven't heard of any real promo so I guess these figures are better than you'd think at first glance.
  15. Actually I change my mind Carly Rae Jepsen's Kiss is a perfect album and so is Emile Sande's Our Version Of Events
  16. At least there will be no shortage of new music to be hyped for as the year goes on Excited for Cheryl,Jessie J,Emile, Pink (I think it's too soon after The Truth About Love though) and Taylor only if it's pop music though
  17. I don't know how anyone can call Beyonce a perfect album I think it's filled with faults. I'm a perfectionist so I always find faults in stuff before I find the good points. And I'm really indecisive too so... I'll go with Blackout can't think of anyone more recent than that!
  18. I don't like the version with JT in it. But other than that it's a warm feel good song
  19. I think it's creepy that they are releasing music that they know he didn't want to be released. Leave the man's legacy the way it is I say. Although I do like Love Never Felt So Good
  20. This song is gorgeous! I love it. I hope it's a hit
  21. They have to release Fine as a single. When I first heard it I was amazed.
  22. I hate self-titled albums. Expect if it's a debut which is the only time I understand it but even then I think it's a boring title. If they re-release it as Ellie Goulding I would lose a lot of respect for her to be honest.
  23. Madonna because she has simply great music and videos and tours and is great in interviews etc.
  24. Just listened to Kylie's first two album. Very cheesy but in a good way Listening to Hand On Your Heart because it's a jam!