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Everything posted by MichaelS24895

  1. @ParentalAdvisory @Unapologetic Bitch the sticky and sweet cum hanging off ha lips
  2. the tour is selling well and just because you dont like 80s madonna doesnt mean anything. Madonna sings what she wants to sing, not what you or the rest of the world want to hear
  3. but people have already bought their tickets , they dont know whats gonna be performed.so she isnt using the 80s songs to sell tickets. plus M only has two hours she cant fit everything in and also she and 13 albums(and more) of choice. nobody is gonna be 100 percent happy with the set list but theres no need to talk shit about her and make threads out of spite like you
  4. I love the way the set list is filled with hits, both classic and slightly forgotten but he still doesnt think its good enough
  5. The show got rave reviews and the crowd enjoyed themselves but somehow u still have something to complain about?
  6. theres no way she'd perform LAP so early at the show