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Everything posted by MichaelS24895

  1. tbh Butterfly is one of my fav Mariah songs
  2. not you mentioning other members so ur thread doesnt flop
  3. The UK (and Ireland ) have flawless taste
  4. I wonder if Mdolla knows what Pokemon is
  5. Tbh if I ever became a recording artist, I'd call my debut album Enjoy Yourself. Which will be in all discount stores as you finish reading this
  6. Which album do u prefer? The incredible cheesy Kylie or the flawless sophomore album Enjoy Yourself?
  7. she looks so hot in that pic omg
  8. Love at First Sight, the song off the first album
  9. My first day of college starts the 14th of this month and I cant wait to fly in the classroom and introduce myself with "BITCH I'M MADONNA"
  10. Madonna has so many hits that some of them aren't even on Celebration, even though it's two CD's
  11. M is such an amazing artist to drag, she literally hands us her weave to snatch Lucky for her stans all of her albums have Bops, albeit some more than others
  12. @Ratchet Your ARTPOEM could mean anything
  13. Most of Mdolla's younger fans love RH, it's her bitter,ancient,HIV positive fans who underrate it,due to their ears deteriorating