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Everything posted by Honey

  1. If she loses I'm just gonna keep strong for her, wish her the best, and thank her for all the wonderful music and time she's given us
  2. The new music is gonna absolutely wreck my soul when/if it comes
  3. Blaze live it up if you love me let me go Never getting over you Nice Guys break free
  4. ask and you shall receive This was made a month ago
  5. This is the weirdest unreleased song she has Most stans ignore its existence and we keep it in the dark corner where it belongs Also... This
  6. Thank you so much to whoever has been compiling these facts! I'm a fact junkie and i absolutely adore this! Thank you!
  7. Hmmm. I guess it all depends on what you find sexual. But never the less here are a few of my favorites: And this last one isn't as much emotional as much is straight up porn but it's still amazing
  8. Backstabber there is! It's in the masterpost!
  9. Yeeeeeeeessss bitch tell them Her strength is inspiring
  10. Here's some but i've posted these many times