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Status Replies posted by Americunt

  1. WAIT?! how is there not a normani stan badge?? please

    1. Americunt


      In order to get a stan badge, an artist must have released some kind of full-length project: either an album or EP. Normani hasn't done that yet, so she isn't eligible.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. The Promise is Girls Aloud’s best single, huh? kylie6

    1. Americunt


      The Saturdays are great! Really the spiritual successor to Girls Aloud in a lot of ways. jj2 

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  3. The Promise is Girls Aloud’s best single, huh? kylie6

    1. Americunt


      Nadine has a great voice in the context of Girls Aloud, but it feels a bit much when taken alone. I do like her personality a lot, though! jj2 

      Nicola certainly has a really unique voice and she's also the best songwriter of the five by a lot, which matters to me, since that's something I respect a lot.

      I think Kimberley's got good technical skill vocally, but her voice is just not very interesting. orangu1

      Cheryl's voice is probably the second most unique of the group and though she is definitely the weakest live, that's never been something that mattered all that much to me, tbh. Some of her work as a soloist is quite generic, but she's also managed to get some serious earworm songs released with her branding ("Parachute", "Call My Name", "Fight For This Love" and "Love Made Me Do It" to name just a few).

      Sarah...god, where do I even start? I find her voice quite scratchy and grating to listen to for anything more than a line or two, which I could get past if she was a good person, but if you watch any interview she's ever done, you'll quickly find that she's also an extremely rude, prudish, misogynistic hypocrite. Her personality is just absolutely insufferable, which is a huuuuge turnoff. jj3 


      Do you have any opinions on The Saturdays or Sugababes? jj2

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  4. The Promise is Girls Aloud’s best single, huh? kylie6

    1. Americunt


      Nicola's solo work is definitely the best of the lot; Cinderella's Eyes is a great pop record. Cheryl has like 1.5 good albums worth of material across her albums and though she undoubtedly had the best singles out of their solo stuff, she also has tons of filler tracks and boring shit. I listened to Kimberley's album like once and it really didn't do anything for me. Never listened to Nadine's solo stuff because I felt like listening to a whole record of just her voice would be exhausting to my ears. dead2 And I really loathe Sarah as a person, so I've never bothered with her work either.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  5. The Promise is Girls Aloud’s best single, huh? kylie6

    1. Americunt


      I think it'd be this?

      1. Untouchable
      2. Love Machine
      3. Biology
      4. No Good Advice
      5. The Promise


      I'd maybe switch out "No Good Advice" for "Something New" or "Sexy! No No No...", but I'm not sure. It's hard to pick, because their run of singles was sooooo strong. dead2 

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  6. The Promise is Girls Aloud’s best single, huh? kylie6

    1. Americunt


      Tbh, it's not even in their top 3 best singles. Maybe top 5. jj2

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  7. This guy said we should be friends and not go down the fwb route after one "date" and I/we agreed and 4 months later he's tried on 6 different occasions to be my fwb and I've said no let's just be friends each time. Should I just drop this "friendship"? Am I wasting my time here nicki5

    1. Americunt


      If you really only want to be his friend and you're not interested in an FWB type thing with him, just cut it off now. He had ample opportunity to lay out if he wanted a sexual relationship with you at the very beginning and he either changed his mind ridiculously quickly (meaning he's super wishy-washy and could just as easily change his mind again) or he was lying from the start in order to seem aloof, which is just an annoying waste of time.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  8. Bye bye Miss @Americunt Pie
    Drove my Chevy to the levy 
    But the levy was dry
    And good old boys were drinking whiskey and rye
    Singing this will be the day that I die


    1. Americunt


      Be young, be dope, be proud, like an @Americunt! jj2 

  9. @Americunt Are we getting a September Spotlight? hottie1

    1. Americunt


      Not my responsibility anymore, since I’m sunsetting as a mod at the moment.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  10. The one thing I cannot stand is lies... you either be honest or fuck off. 

    1. Americunt


      Alright, that's enough. This status is now locked. If you want to continue this conversation, either take it to private messages or No Holds Barred.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  11. The one thing I cannot stand is lies... you either be honest or fuck off. 

  12. Florrie's Last Thing on Your List and Looking for Love in the Wrong Places are those bops alex1

    1. Americunt


      Galaxies is still her best song though jj2 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  13. When did the "Newcomers" change to "Experienced"? wat3

    1. Americunt


      About a week ago. We didn't announce it because it was such a minor thing.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  14. WHAT THE HELL is area 51...


    1. Americunt


      It's an area of the Mojave Desert that's been purported by conspiracy theorists to contain a secret research compound that studies alien technology.

      In reality, it's a top secret military research facility where cutting edge weapons and tech are tested. The SR-71 Blackbird (formerly the most high tech stealth plane in existence) was developed there, for instance.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  15. No discussion for July Spotlight sections. Call out our lazy staff. We demand an uprising.  


    1. Americunt


      The options this month were limited enough that we decided to skip the poll. It happens occasionally.

  16. @Americunt I have a question

    1. Americunt


      The egg, laid by something that wasn't a chicken.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  17. I posted a thread about "satanic Jews" earlier. Where is it? jj4


    1. Americunt


      Thread was removed. Louis Farrakhan's racist rantings are not news. There's no point in posting his stuff here, just like there's no point in posting stuff from Milo Yiannopoulos or other insane "commentators". It just helps them further their platform and that should not be something we do here.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  18. There's nothing wrong with artists choosing to work with Dr. Luke; I said what I said

    1. Americunt


      @Chris Morlock For the millionth time, NO, the Melanie Martinez rape accusations were not “debunked”. Melanie fans invented a whole bunch of meaningless evidence to blindly support their idol. Believing she’s not a rapist because you watched a Youtube video saying she wasn’t is basically akin to believing vaccinations cause autism because you read about some mommy blogger whose autistic child just happened to be vaccinated.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  19. why does Nicole Scherzinger NOT have any albums clap1 


    1. Americunt


      Her albums were never released in the US, which is why they're not on streaming platforms in the US.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  20. maybe melanie martinez isn't a rapist 


    1. Americunt


      Well, of course fans of Melanie Martinez are going to defend her like the sycophants they are. Solely caring about the evidence they've invented to suit their narrative is like relying solely on Fox News for information; a tremendously bad idea.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  21. Okay so I got an email about needing to remove or appeal flagged content on tumblr but WHERE THE FUCK is this so called "review" page they're talking about. I cannot find it anywhere rip4 

    1. Americunt


      Go to your feed and click the banner above each post that's flagged. 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  22. Idk where to ask this so i'm just gonna ask it here, are nicknames allowed on here? like if i wanted to call 69, "rainbow brite" or rihanna  "the avon lady" is that allowed or nah?


    Can you tell i migrated from atrl brit10

    1. Americunt


      We don't have any rules about nicknames. Just don't say anything that could be interpreted as trolling in one of the artist sections. jj2 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  23. What is brunch and why are girls and gays apparently so obsessed with it?

    1. Americunt


      Gays and girls like it because it’s an excuse to get trashed on mimosas in the middle of the day while indulging in extremely rich food. dead2 

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  24. Working on episode 5 of Fake Friendship with @Onika



    1. Americunt


      Lemme know whenever you've got a time nailed down. jj2 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)
