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The only song that were allowed to hate is California and it’s not even that bad
Bartender is so sweet and serene youre nothing short of a garbage person if you disagree
Also it’s her first album where I wholeheartedly LOVE all the singles she really really really snapped with all of them.. hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it is officially a sad bitch hours aux anthem
lmao i could not believe how good it is i cried four (4) (IV) (٤) 4️⃣ times listening to it. Its so intense and I’ve been thinking about it a lot like i eventually had to come to terms with the fact that she will literally never write something this good ever in her career like this is it she reached her peak and it made me sad n happy at the same time
My feelings toward california coincide exactly with raja and ravens feelings about violet chachkis headpiece on the green runway on season 7: an afterthought