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Status Replies posted by Simón.

  1. WHAT IS THIS fall9


    1. Simón.


      at this moment I realized I'm a fossil bebe1

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  2. It's my birthday ari5 and because it is my 27th birthday, I want to take this opportunity to share something with you guys. Some of you may know that I have been struggling with my gender identity for quite some time now. Actually, I have been struggling with this since I was a little child. This forum has always been a place for me where I feel safe, no matter what some of you got me through. I met some dear online friends who I love and  cherish everyday, even though we don't always speak every day ( @Royale, @Entea & @Simón.) and this year has been extra special, since I met some amazing new people who I consider friends on this forum ( @Kim Woodburn  @Lynk @GlenCoco). I have been telling  this my real life best friends this and it feels only right to tell you all this. 

    I am coming out. And after 27 long years, I have finally find the power to tell you all that I am transgender.  My name is Kylie and it is nice to FINALLY meet you all (in before the kylie jenner / kylie minogue jokes come in ny2 ) hug1 My next big step is going to be coming out to my parents and the rest of the world. I don't know when this next big step is going to be taken, but telling my best friends and telling you all feel like such big triumphs.

  3. Things no one asked for:

  4. Dentist removed my tooth today and i'm literally in PAIN. Istg i can easily kill someone.


  5. Dentist removed my tooth today and i'm literally in PAIN. Istg i can easily kill someone.


  6. It takes a real music lover to call Bionic what it really is.  Garbage

    1. Simón.


      Facts, its so overrated by balding gays rip4 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  7. So I tried out oatmeal for the first time and it's literally the most digusting thing I have ever eaten ari7 sadly I need to finish it, because I forgot to take bread of the freezer but omg this is so bad

    1. Simón.


      Try to get rid of pure sugar as well, I guarantee you you feel better the less sugar you consume! 

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  8. So I tried out oatmeal for the first time and it's literally the most digusting thing I have ever eaten ari7 sadly I need to finish it, because I forgot to take bread of the freezer but omg this is so bad

    1. Simón.


      Wouldn't use sugar tbh! Oat is sweet enough to me

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  9. So I tried out oatmeal for the first time and it's literally the most digusting thing I have ever eaten ari7 sadly I need to finish it, because I forgot to take bread of the freezer but omg this is so bad

    1. Simón.


      Try oat milk or almond milk! It's way better than with water. I usually use strawberries and a little bit of melted chocolate lemme send u on what's app 

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  10. So I tried out oatmeal for the first time and it's literally the most digusting thing I have ever eaten ari7 sadly I need to finish it, because I forgot to take bread of the freezer but omg this is so bad

    1. Simón.


      How did you make it? With water or oat milk? Cause with oat milk with fruit topping its so good giveup4 

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  11. I - 

    Simons fave is going to get cancelled. dead4


  12. I wonder what that bouncer who wouldn't let Rihanna into the club is up to. 

    1. Simón.


      he a navy I wouldn't let her in either true1


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  13. Lemonhead leaving me bald giveup4 

  14. California fully reopens today and summer starts in 5 days. HERE WE GOhappy anniversary wedding GIF


    1. Simón.


      it will be a moment giveup3 Rain On Me, WAP, Up, Safaera in clubs giveup3 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  15. California fully reopens today and summer starts in 5 days. HERE WE GOhappy anniversary wedding GIF


  16. So many people sleeping on Tinashe it’s so sad

  17. Uhmm it's gonna take some time to get used to the new thread layout on mobile jj4

  18. Anyone knows where to download PC games? Idc if I have to pay for them but I really want to play the Harry Potter games on my computer again, but I can't put a disc inside my laptop cry9 

    1. Simón.


      Origin oh stream 

  19. Stevie Nicks, one of the best songwriters no discussion giveup3 

    1. Simón.


      I guess the Rico Nasty x Stevie Nicks collab needs to happen bey7

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)


  21. Bruh did Lana actually say that climate change and capitalism AREN'T world issues? What's going to kill the world is narcissism? This woman is in her own spiritual bullshit bubble istg dead1

    1. Simón.


      She is so ignorant to some topics. I don't think she is a bad person or anything but climate change won't even affect unlike other places in the world rip4 She just needs to shut up

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  22. We’re going to have to deal with MAGA like the Germans dealt with the Nazis. Preferably before we have to undergo the trauma that the Nazis inflicted on everyone.

    1. Simón.


      Girl, you better deal better than Germans dealt with the Nazis. 
