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Status Replies posted by Simón.

  1. Are they lyrics anywhere for Love?

  2. Since when is politicam correctness considered something bad? Because people realize they can't joke about others in a discriminatory way?

  3. Since when is politicam correctness considered something bad? Because people realize they can't joke about others in a discriminatory way?

  4. Since when is politicam correctness considered something bad? Because people realize they can't joke about others in a discriminatory way?

  5. Since when is politicam correctness considered something bad? Because people realize they can't joke about others in a discriminatory way?

  6. Since when is politicam correctness considered something bad? Because people realize they can't joke about others in a discriminatory way?

  7. So "death to all Jews" is a light heartend joke. Mess.

  8. So "death to all Jews" is a light heartend joke. Mess.

  9. So "death to all Jews" is a light heartend joke. Mess.

  10. While I'm rotting on this website, Goosey is getting IT


  11. While I'm rotting on this website, Goosey is getting IT


  12. While I'm rotting on this website, Goosey is getting IT


  13. While I'm rotting on this website, Goosey is getting IT


  14. where is the Regina Spektor stan badge

  15. Nevermind. mad5 

  16. Dua Lipa seems like to be everywhere in Germany

  17. Not GGD claiming Trump is worse than the Holocaust & Hitler on Holocaust remembarence day. 


  18. Why did you have the thread closed? fall8

  19. lmfao2 Nawt @Justin Bieber being everywhere lmfao2

  20. lmfao2 Nawt @Justin Bieber being everywhere lmfao2
