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Everything posted by Simón.

  1. how did I sleep on shygirl giveup4 

  2. Lemonhead leaving me bald giveup4 

    1. Simón.


      you are my idol, king giveup4 

    2. Max


      no surprises here giveup4 

    3. Show next comments  18 more
  3. Yes! Its so good, but also extremely dark/brutal at times. Not a child show at all
  4. currently its aging pretty well
  5. 0-0 are always so boring sure
  6. I like soccer 1-0 for France is my bet. Also betted that France will win the World Cup, so they better deliver
  7. fair I'd be surprised if France loses tbh
  8. Want you to make me feel like I'm in the only girl in the world giveup3 

  9. what do I get if France loses today? @Royale
  10. if Rihanna isn't releasing during pride month she is homophobic 

    1. Miss Icon

      Miss Icon

      But she is releasing during pride month!!!


      Pride month 2038 ayumi1

  11. I mean it's no secret that vinyl sales are currently booming and COVID made the production even more difficult and pressing factories can't keep up, but how many months since she announced that
  12. Still hoping for a vinyl releases but considering she didn't put Pink Friday Vinyl for sale yet
  13. Not this getting removed from featured releases while Fearless (TV version) is still there