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Legendary lovers

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Everything posted by Legendary lovers

  1. when she was 16 Iggy told her parents that she was going on holidays with a friend, but she was not coming back home no money, no family, sixteen in the middle of miami
  2. yes, im so proud of her bc she worked hard and now her dream is comming true
  3. Katy wrote a song called Rock God, and she gave it to someone, who?
  4. diplo just faved me @diplo i hate you — Dilaurentis (@slaykatyslay) December 10, 2014 .gif' alt='cry3'>.gif' alt='cry2'> .gif' alt='cry3'>.gif' alt='cry2'> .gif' alt='cry3'>.gif' alt='cry2'> .gif' alt='cry3'>.gif' alt='cry2'> .gif' alt='cry3'>.gif' alt='cry2'> .gif' alt='cry3'>.gif' alt='cry2'>
  5. .gif' alt='katy2'> tell me 3 songs that katy wrote for others artist
  6. thinking of you, mannequin, self inflicted and i'm still breathing >>>>>>>>