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Status Updates posted by Madonna

  1. Looking at the YouTube stats and seeing Katy at #2


  2. W0Qo3qp.gif

    1. Aidan.


      Thank fucking god honestly

    2. Shego


      Madame X just arrived and @Mariah's 18 #1's'left.

      the timing!


    3. Freaky Prince

      Freaky Prince

      M181s had to walk away, so Madame X could run

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  3. Me listening to Medullín and hating it more with every listen:


  4. Cleaning my ears out right now:


    1. Satori


      Yeah I’ll admit this ageless bop is superior! Shaki did THAT

  5. image.thumb.png.b157e5d57ce0955ec33804ed95bd8621.png

    1. Aidan.


      Omg Tears Of A Clown is coming back cry6

    2. Freaky Prince

      Freaky Prince

      Flops of Madame Clown* nicki5

  6. What are y'all talking about? The album cover is great! jj2 


    1. ajp


      Much better rav3


    2. Satori


      Better but I’m still not fond of the decapitation theme. It can be done semi-tastefully but the official version’s management of the text was such a wasted opportunity. 

    3. Satori


      I keep wanting to see a giant transparent X that reaches all four corners of the cover. In a not-washed out color, because of how muted the color scheme is and given the boring black background. I don’t really know what to do with “Madonna”s placement though. I’m thinking it should be centered but the picture isn’t so I feel like it’s going to be off no matter what. 

  7. Watching Coconut Island with Rhat rn!


    1. Madonna


      OMG what an iconic short film! They ended MJ. ari7

    2. Satori


      Wtf is this lmfao1I literally hurt my neck throwing my head back to laugh 

  8. Me in BG when Madonna's new album flops harder than Caution.



    1. Shego


      She must try hard to do this.

  9. Oh wow....She totally made this song her own.


  10. This gif is a perfect representation of a certain someone when I exposed them in NHB and PMs. lana3 


    1. Kylie


      Me when you called me Toiletry :( 


    1. Entea


      I can't believe @Freaky Prince was famous before me gaga1

    2. Kylie


      this vibe

  12. Billie Eilish's album is REALLY good. shock1 

    1. Kylie


      I’m so hyped to listen sis omg

    2. Simón.


      No it’s not 

    3. rosekesha


      i prefer don't smile at me by miles

  13. This was a MOOD! lmfao2 


    1. Hermione


      Honestly the Razzies need to come back rip4 A few people could afford to be humbled by the roasting. wendy1

    2. Chris


      i need them back for the kiis rip4 

  14. Congrats to @Bubble Pop Electricfor managing to create a dupe that remained undiscovered until now. rih1 

    How did you do it, sis?

    1. jrdn


      Doesn't matter, i just found it in NHB. 

    2. Madonna
    3. Chris


      oh we love an exposé

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  15. Okay I actually listened to this Billie Eilish girl for the first time and her music is actually really fucking interesting and not basic AT ALL. shock1 

    1. Chris


      idontwannabeyouanymore oprah14 

    2. Hylia


      Yeah I couldn’t stand her for a while but then I actually listened and my stan card printed without warning

    3. Satori


      I saw her live before my Florence show last year and adored her immediately. 

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  16. This is by far the most beautiful tour rendition she's ever done and I'm not a great fan of the song but DAMN this is MILES MILES better than the original and it really brought new life to the song. So simplistic, yet so eye-catching and beautiful.

    1. Satori


      My favorite live Madonna track of all time. I adore it. Barely cared for the original until I saw this and it’s grown on me too but NOTHING compares to this masterpiece of a moment from a tour FULL of them. 

  17. This broke my heart into pieces. My mother was diagnosed with MS a few years ago and was lucky enough to have it diagnosed very early on, so she managed to get it under control but unfortunately Selma's doctors didn't take her symptoms seriously until it was too late. She's still such a beautiful and amazing woman but it's so sad to see her in such a state.


    1. Dennis Reynolds

      Dennis Reynolds

      My mother also has multiple sclerosis and similarly got diagnosed after just a few months. Yeah, it's a shame how many people just get shooed away and have to wait years to be properly diagnosed.

  18. should I wait for you, my substitute for love?


    1. WarrenThanksYouAll


      Famous faces, far off places

      Trinkets I can buy 

      No handsome stranger, heady danger

      Drug that I can try

      No ferris wheel, no heart to steal

      No laughter in the dark

      No one-night stand, no far-off land

      No fire that I can spark



  19. My 35k rep ain't bothered by your 250 downvotes, sis! ari4

    Good to know I still have you PRESSED, OBSESSED and DISTRESSED.

    1. fab


      then why did you make a status update   lol3

    2. jrdn


      I love that certain accounts just come online to downvote people. 


