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About willmcclure72

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  1. Anyone have a master post / links to all her re-issues, remixxes ect? they arent all on streaming in Australia
  2. um because clearly it's been out for 3 extra years? The pop masterpiece 'Pretty Girls' will out sell Xtinas trash in due time
  3. 1. All To Well 2. State of Grace
  4. I know this is off topic, but do you happen to know the font that is used in the Madonna photo in your signature? Ive been looking for it forever
  5. Because shes nearly 60? She doesn't need to prove anything
  6. Vogue MDNA booklet or Rebel Heart booklet
  7. short tracklist & cover But still exited, slay me queen
  8. Oh Father Justify My Love (song) or Erotica (song)