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  1. this forum just isnt where a majority of stans are at
  2. tea.. just the amount of leaks she has im surprised this threads only on page 6
  3. the level of dead this thread is SHOCKS me
  4. where does everyone get their recently leaked/unreleased music

    1. SWINΞ


      The internet brit10

    2. Onyx


      reddit I think 

    3. Miss Movin' On

      Miss Movin' On

      no where.  buy from itunes or etc or buy physicals. 

  5. does Banks have any unreleased?

  6. summer bummer really is a better produced high by the beach
  7. SZA

    Single Woman Lyrics

    people are too sensitive lol they already dragged her for appropriating South Asian culture with the font choice of praying.
  8. SZA

    Single Woman Lyrics

    unfortunately, it's gonna happen no doubt
  9. if Fetish doesn't smash ill be upset with the GP

  10. SZA

    Single Woman Lyrics

    she's going to be dragged for saying don't touch my weave if we're being honest.
  11. Red Lipstick but still so RAW
