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    Certified: 2x Platinum

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  1. NLM/Everybody is amazing. the Hung up part, where she wears that purple dress, is the best. She doesnt hide her age and doesn't give a fuck. Her face is natural and real, I love it.
  2. meanwhile, brazilian left parties and journalists refuse to call hamas a terrorist group. I see gays supporting hamas, wtf. You know, let's defend a group that would kill us instantly.
  3. Why was this considered provocative? Canceled just because of lap and the church?
  4. 1- Padam Padam - 10/10+ 2- Hold On to Now - 10/10+++ Best song. I get quite emotional 3- Things We do For Love - 10/10 4- Tension - 10/10++ 5- One More Time - 9.5/10 6- You Still Get Me High - 10/10++ 7- Hands - 9.5/10 8- Green Light - 8.5/10 9- Vegas High - 10/10 10- 10 out of 10 - 9/10 11- Story - 10/10 +++ 12- Love Train - 10/10 13- Just Imagine - 9.5/10 14- Someody to Love - 9.5/10 Average = 9,68 Drum - 8.5 Heavenly Body - 9.5
  5. Hi, I am back. This kylie album is superb. this is, imho, the best pop album since coadf. I love all of it, even the weak one, 10 out of 10, is totally ok, 7/10. finally an album worth listening in FULL. Definitely a grower, the lead is incredible, but tension and hold on to now are better imho. rest of the album is not behind tho, I give those 3 10/10 and almost all the other songs 9,5 or 9 out of 10. The unreleased ones are great, it is a shame. I can't make a proper tier list yet, I need to listen to it a few more times, just couldn't stop to just yet.
  6. Bedtime Stories Reissue? Frozen reissue? Just new? I am ready. Britney is in her new album.
  7. It seems, sometimes, pop girls start to freak out as they age, even Madonna rn. A lot to trade for fame, maybe?
  8. I'm so away from music, who's kim? gonna look her up.