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DISGUSTED the cunts 60 in a few months and has made, LITERALLY, billions... am i meant to applaud this announcement? well i DONT fuck this cunt living his public life as a straight man for years with his wife and children shame on all anyone who thinks this is a good story for gays hahaha you think he's BI?! PLEASE! the cunt was getting blackmailed by some trade (and at 60 he's been through ALOT of trade) so he's FINALLY said he's a freak to avoid those increasing blackmail cheques and I'm meant to support him or be excited? NO.
he would say that i need new GAGA not a rehash of some shit song none of us even had the original of on our iTunes
complete crap after the low budget HBTB video i was HOPING for a lot... LANAR does look better than ever but its so obviously filmed on a 10k budget... kinda pathetic... compare this to Blue Jeans and this FAILS... compare it to Born To Die and this FAILS looks like the record company aren't happy AGAIN... ...i note that theres been not a single official remix released to iTunes yet - the record company aren't happy... not willing to bother commissioning anything so far... which is weird as this is the most obvious track to remix for clubs/home use while high in terms of the actual song WA
the single cover was GARBAGE don't fool yourself... seriously? i question how you've decorated your home like Rescue Me its another CLASSIC (for fans) that could have been a CLASSIC for casual fans IF a video had been made... she was at the PEAK of her career... very annoying when you note how the cunt throws out videos with no script, plot, sub-plot OR thought process AT ALL nowadays
EROTICA is NOT a FLOP retract that statement "i'm waiting..."
id LOVE it to happen but THATS IT for rebel heart single releases who else but M could release whats essentially a double album but only put 3 singles out... i love her teases the QUALITY of her video interludes (and in the case of RH tour intros) DEMAND an EP release... can't anyone tweet Guy Oseary and tell it to release an ICONIC EP... video, remixes... i'll excuse getting previously unreleased track purely for THAT!!!
this dub is sexy - UP DOWN UP UP UP DOWN UP UP UP DOWN UP UP UP DOWN i used to sing it to my straight friend while i cavorted on my bed then blow him
I'm happy with ANY song she's never EVER preformed live before... fags will pop it on youtube for me to love the real question is in the tour video release what song MUST it be for you, and of course for the casual fan friends of yours that you'll be watching it with?!
i rarely have any idea myself thank fuck
I'm never interested in mastered, final demos... so long as we have a demo like this - its BRILLIANT!!! totally different from where she went with the album - although it has a lovely style that SOMEHOW fits as an added on track gary barlows version went to number one in UK... madonnas name was left off the credits on his version as a wanton whore like M was thought to scare fans of boy bands away (in truth her credit was left off purely because Gary was being pushed as a TALENT - which he defo is - but they couldn't have his second single be written by someone else!)
THANK YOU wish you lived next door so we could keep the neighbours up RANTING about M's bullshit in terms of Paradise/II - she HAD A VIDEO for paradise... why not do a double A side single... the II remixes with the Paradise video the cunt drives me MENTAL on this tour shes got MIKE TYSON - greatest boxer of all time - and chance the rapper - filming scenes... for an intro... M - you look great in your Oscars Marilyn Sooner Or Later get up... edit it all into a 4 min vis and release ICONIC as a single... and EP with remixes of album tracks and 1 unreleased track from that sessions....
you know how M says she'll NEVER do a autobiography? she said she'd never tour again after BA! one day she WILL do a book - but of course it won't answer the questions us obsessed fans NEED the answers to!!! id LOVE to know her thoughts on Playground and Remember... if i could ask her any question though id ask "in Truth Or Dare we saw you with your childhood friend - she asked you to bless her pregnant belly to finally give her a girl... she said if it was she'd name it Madonna... was the baby a girl and was it named madonna?" bet M didn't even keep in contact - the horrid cunt that she is..
sales are from the past... Madonnas the ONLY artist i legally buy cd's or iTunes downloads from... everyone else i LOVE i know i can get for free... AND I DO! touring receipts are where its at... take anyones fav and compare them to Godonna's ticket sales = they aint matching M look at Beyonce - all hype... look at Mariah, once that buying of radio plays was exposed she started finding times tough...
I'm considering buying tickets for london after my initial disappointment in all the videos I've seen online so glad you had a good time!!! it is exciting me more but i think what we all have to remember is that this is the Sean Penn Tour 2015 - its NOT for fans