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Mitski last won the day on April 17 2016

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  1. when you fall in love with a song but an artist you loath is serving background vocals on the track



    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Mitski


      @LG5 Pls Dont Flop ny12 


      @ChooseyLover does it stop you from bopping to their music though? hay1 



    3. ChooseyLover


      I bopped hard to 1989 last summer hay1

      Gaga's music doesn't make me bop... I WANT HER TO MAKE ME BOP BUT brit2

      Beyoncé's stuff doesn't make me bop in general except maybe some singles like Crazy In Love jj2

      Jlo's debut is great brit13 The rest of her discography is not interesting for me to listen tho rav2

    4. Mitski


      Jlo's early stuff was goood... oprah2 I couldn't even listen through her new single. It was terrible
