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Dennis Reynolds

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Everything posted by Dennis Reynolds

  1. Hello, just another reminder to send before the end of Saturday!
  2. Welcome to Round 2 of The Top Answer Game! If you missed the results of last round, see here. Even if you didn't participate last round, you are welcome to join in this time! ROUND TWO QUESTIONS 1. Name something you wouldn't want to be on if it broke down 2. Name an author that has written scary stories 3. Name an organ that can be donated 4. Name a trick that trick-or-treaters might play on Halloween 5. Name a reason to hire a private detective 6. Name a country that has nuclear weapons 7. What bad news might a dentist give you? 8. Nam
  3. ROUND ONE SCORES fab – 70 (58 + 12) Kristina – 64 (61 + 3) Jae – 56 Royale – 53 Lynk – 49 Gabe – 49 Diego – 49 Chris – 47 Autumn Variations – 43 Entea – 40 frankgutz – 39
  4. Shouldn't be too hard to adjust the score to account for the bonus points so just wait a minute or two
  5. 10. Name a type of insurance Health – 4 Life – 4 Car / Motor vehicle – 3
  6. I will say that is very far down the list of Ivy League schools that I would've thought of Harvard is obviously the first, then I thought Yale (figured this would get more than it did tbh), then maybe Brown, Princeton and Dartmouth
  7. 9. Name an Ivy League college Harvard – 9 Yale – 1 Columbia – 1
  8. I remember that from the Always Sunny bonus question in my first time hosting TAG, had no idea anyone thought that
  9. I wasn't surprised by the top 2 but did think there'd be more variety
  10. 8. Name an FOTPer who uses their real name as their username Chris – 5 Kristina / Kristina (allegedly) – 4 jrdn – 1 I don’t know – 1
  11. Including me Idk, in Canada there's signs in specific areas saying you can't do a U-Turn and if you're eating something that is super obviously distracting you while you're driving it's possible to be fined but neither is generally prohibited.
  12. That one and U-Turns aren't really even inherently illegal, more based on the specific circumstance
  13. 7. Name a rule of the road that drivers often break Speed Limit / No Speeding – 7 Stop at Red Lights / Running a Red Light – 2 Eating at the wheel – 1 U-Turns – 1
  14. I saw this picture of ocelot kittens a while ago, they really are