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Dennis Reynolds

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Everything posted by Dennis Reynolds

  1. 7. Name a rule of the road that drivers often break Speed Limit / No Speeding – 7 Stop at Red Lights / Running a Red Light – 2 Eating at the wheel – 1 U-Turns – 1
  2. I saw this picture of ocelot kittens a while ago, they really are
  3. Correct, +3 for you! Sorry fab, Babou was the name of the individual pet, not the animal itself
  4. 6. Name a common office supply Pen – 5 Paper – 3 Staples – 1 Stapler – 1 Post-Its – 1
  5. Shrek is another that I don't immediately think of as being bald
  6. I never would've thought of Voldemort tbh, of all the traits he has being bald is one of the last ones that come to mind for me I assumed it would be Homer Simpson or Lex Luthor, or for one that didn't make the list Walter White.
  7. 5. Name a fictional character that is bald Voldemort – 4 Homer Simpson – 2 Professor X / Charles Xavier – 2 Lex Luthor – 1 Dr. Robotnik/Eggman – 1 Shrek – 1
  8. I wasn't sure about this one, I guess he has recency bias going for him too I thought maybe FDR or even William Henry Harrison would get a mention.
  9. 4. Name an American president that died in office John F. Kennedy – 10 Abraham Lincoln – 1
  10. This one seemed pretty obvious to me, had more answers than I thought it would Also thought that maybe Catwoman would come up.
  11. 3. Name someone that uses a whip Indiana Jones – 4 Cowboy – 3 Someone with a leather kink – 1 Race Horse Jockey – 1 Dominatrix – 1 Animal wrangler – 1
  12. Yup, +3 for you The virtues of attendance, for those who read this later
  13. 2. Name a part of the body that a person might get plastic surgery done on Nose – 6 Breasts / Boobs – 2 Face – 2 Genitals – 1
  14. Didn't think the answers on this one would be so uniform honestly surprised nobody said Stegosaurus.
  15. 1. Name a dinosaur that didn't eat meat Triceratops – 9 Brachiosaurus – 1 Sauropods – 1