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11. Name a way to get out of jury duty
Claim a scheduling conflict / Holiday booked – 2
Fake illness / tell them you have covid – 2
Dying / Die – 2
Being mentally ill / Having a disability – 2
you're biased (against one of the parties involved) – 1
Escape the country – 1
9. Name an invention you think will be in wide use by the 22nd century
AI / Machine learning – 4
Flying cars – 2
Smartphone – 2
Robots – 1
De-aging – 1
8. Name a reason to become a vigilante
Desire for justice / Strong sense of justice / Justice / Become a hero / Protecting community – 5
Revenge / when your former lover and besties murder everyone at your wedding rehearsal and land you in a coma for 4 years – 3
Mental illness – 1
Corruption – 1