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Dennis Reynolds

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Everything posted by Dennis Reynolds

  1. 13. Name something that a scarecrow might wear A hat / Straw hat – 7 gingham (or plaid) – 1 Farmer attire – 1 Overalls – 1
  2. Correct, +3 for you! I have a feeling you're happy about this
  3. 12. Name a popular Australian celebrity Kylie Minogue – 4 Hugh Jackman / Hugh Jackman (daddy) – 2 Troye Sivan – 1 Nicole Kidman – 1 Chris Hemsworth – 1 @Liam – 1
  4. 11. Name a way to get out of jury duty Claim a scheduling conflict / Holiday booked – 2 Fake illness / tell them you have covid – 2 Dying / Die – 2 Being mentally ill / Having a disability – 2 you're biased (against one of the parties involved) – 1 Escape the country – 1
  5. 10. Name someone that joined the 27 Club Amy Winehouse – 8 Kurt Cobain – 2
  6. 9. Name an invention you think will be in wide use by the 22nd century AI / Machine learning – 4 Flying cars – 2 Smartphone – 2 Robots – 1 De-aging – 1
  7. Not in Empire or Jedi, but apparently they do in canonical sources I was also skeptical, believe me!
  8. Well, I checked Wookieepedia and it would seem this technically counts, so you're in luck Congrats on your first 3 points since Round One!
  9. Someone who takes the law into their own hands, pretty much
  10. 8. Name a reason to become a vigilante Desire for justice / Strong sense of justice / Justice / Become a hero / Protecting community – 5 Revenge / when your former lover and besties murder everyone at your wedding rehearsal and land you in a coma for 4 years – 3 Mental illness – 1 Corruption – 1