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Dennis Reynolds

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Everything posted by Dennis Reynolds

  1. 2. Name something that a lot of people are allergic to Peanut(s) (butter) (Special Answer: Chris) – 3 Nuts / Walnuts – 3 Milk – 1 Dust – 1 Cats – 1 Pollen – 1
  2. 1. Name a common New Year's resolution Weight Loss / lose weight – 6 Go to the gym / Start working out/work out more / Exercise – 4
  3. Welcome to Round Five, the finale of this season of The Top Answer Game! It will last for roughly two hours. 10 people have sent me their answers for this round, and I will reveal the answers of each question individually, and after every 2 questions, there will also be a bonus question. Whoever first answers the question correctly will have +3 points added to their score. This is also the third round in which players have been allowed to choose one special answer. ROUND FIVE QUESTIONS 1. Name a common New Year's resolution 2. Name something that a
  4. Half an hour, last tag Be there or be square! https://countingdownto.com/?c=5741267 @Chris @Autumn Variations @Lynk @Gabe. @Diego @Kristina @fab @Entea @Jae
  5. Three hours! https://countingdownto.com/?c=5741267
  6. Please refrain from shading artists in their own sections. This comment would be more suited to the Battlegrounds section.
  7. The final round will proceed in about 16 1/2 hours from now! Hoping to see some of you there! @Chris @Autumn Variations @Lynk @Gabe. @Diego @Kristina https://countingdownto.com/?c=5741267 Still an unusual amount of stragglers at a fairly late stage, so if you guys wanna play in the last round, please send soon Y’all know I’ll accept them 45 minutes before the show if I have to but earlier would be appreciated! @fab @frankgutz @Entea @Jae @Metric @Royale
  8. A double entendre is basically when a sentence or statement can be interpreted in two ways - generally the way it’s intended, and an unintended naughty/risqué/sexual way If you’ve ever heard the jokes “That’s what she said” or “Said the actress to the bishop”, those are said in response to a double entendre. So the question is basically asking you to think of a word that would be prone to coming up in a sentence that could unintentionally be interpreted in a sexual way.
  9. Actually a pretty normal name, I was expecting/somewhat anticipating something far more out there
  10. Just another reminder Please send before the end of Saturday. @Kristina @Diego @fab @Jae @Royale @frankgutz @Metric @Entea
  11. I wouldn’t say that You’re definitely in the upper echelon of this one.
  12. Welcome to Round Five, the finale of this season of The Top Answer Game! If you missed the results of last round, see here. Even if you didn't participate last round, you are welcome to join in this time! SPECIAL ANSWER - This will be the third round in which you may indicate one answer as your special answer, which the points for will be doubled when adding to your score. In other words, if the total was 4 points, you would instead receive 8 points for that question. ROUND FIVE QUESTIONS 1. Name a common New Year's resolution 2. Name something that a lot
  13. LEADERBOARD fab – 248 Kristina – 235 Chris – 222 Lynk – 216 Diego – 215 Gabe – 200 Entea – 189 Jae – 188* Autumn Variations – 172 frankgutz – 167 Metric – 163* Royale – 53** *missed one round **only participated in first round