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About Elavila

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  1. I don't think she will release sth worse than Artpop so as long as the music slays I'll have nothing to complain about.
  2. Eh it's okay, I still prefer the album one
  3. NO The original and the 2001 version are legendary already, why remake it AGAIN?
  4. The first episode was trash I can't believe they planned 5 more installments
  5. They look the same to me. Plus, it would be pretty ironic for her to get plastic surgery when she's always preaching about self-respect and acceptance
  6. Madonna, Depeche Mode, Gorillaz, Avril Lavigne and Miley Cyrus. I still love all of them to this day (except Avril )
  7. Hands of Love is so good Lighter is my life at the moment
  8. She failed because people still asked her for autographs