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Status Updates posted by Entea

  1. It's in his DNA
    D-D-D-DNA, it's in his DNA
    And he just takes my breath away
    Bre-bre-bre-breath away
    I feel it every day
    And that's what makes a man, not hard to understand
    Perfect in every way, I see it in his face, nothing more to say
    It's in his D-D-D-D-DNA

  2. I like baked beans cold from the tin juicy1

    1. Chris


      baked beans in any form is nasty, i hope you get help juicy1 

  3. Sam Fender is the pinickle of qualitea music true1

    1. Tomás
    2. Entea


      Well look who decided to pop by shock1

  4. This is Espresso. We hope you love it Coachella gaycat1

  5. Ugh, don't drop my beats. Put it down

    /drops beats

    Really @Alex., I JUST TOLD YOU!

  6. I found this on a website and immediately had LFM flashbacks ny10


    1. Chris


      reminds me of middle school me going around the internet looking for iTunes plus purchased albums to download lol

  7. Should have been the original version true1


  8. Not the mayor for NYC introducing a 'new bin' to residents when everyone else in the world has been using a wheelie bin for years rip4

  9. Why are you all sleeping on this hit banger bey6


    1. Princess Aurora

      Princess Aurora

      That's an average day at the park in Italy lol2 JK they said they were actors.

  10. I don't wanna hear, I don't wanna know
    Please don't say you're sorry
    I've heard it all before
    And I can take care of myself


  11. We need Benedict as the next arc in Bridgerton cry1

  12. I can't be sure but does @Kylie stan Ariana? ellie1

    1. Kylie


      No I hate her, worst fucking pop star ever

  13. Is anyone brave enough to admit they've ate a fried mars bar in their life? wat3

    1. Chris


      a what?

      ive had a deep fried oreo before if that counts

    2. ajp


      I have lol2


    3. Entea


      There's only one solution, jail time for you both rav2

  14. This needed to be released 2 weeks ago cry1


  15. There was no need to split season 3 of Bridgeton in 2 different release parts meg1

  16. @Chris you need to update your collection list ny1


    1. Chris


      Why Wii? dead2 

    2. Entea


      Because it's a bop

  17. In the future, if you could report it so we can take action quicker. Thanks jj2

    1. Chris


      i tried to keep it quiet so they wouldnt be warned/banned for it because they were a new account jj3  

  18. It's the month of May which can only mean one thing... it's Eurovision time. Keep an eye out for FOTPVison and Eurovision Megarate coming soon to a pop forum near you jj2

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Entea


      Ikr, time flies by rip4

    3. Chris


      i already have my FOTPVision artist picked out btw ny1 

      im just between two or three songs. they have a few english songs and idk if i want to go for one of them or one in their native language.

    4. Entea


      Go for the one you like the most jj2
