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Status Updates posted by Entea

  1. @#Music I need help pls. How do I become a flop like you and leave this forum for good? alex1

    1. Kristina


      You’re never supposed to leave this forum alex1 

  2. I'm an uncle again to a new baby girl called Pearl. It's a great feeling :)

    1. ilya eilish

      ilya eilish

      Congratulations king! <33

  3. Hey FOTPers. I'm just lowkey letting you all know I'm going to be leaving FOTP soon after I get everything sorted with the News Team. I've become distant with this forum and I can only take this as a sign that this chapter is closing in my life. I want to thank all the members on here who have welcomed me into their lives with us becoming friends. You're the reason that I've stayed throughout the years on here so thank you hug1

    If anyone wishes to keep in contact with me, you can PM on my Twitter. However, those that I know closely can ask for my WhatsApp on here as that is the platform I use mostly.

    I'm honestly going to miss this forum and will remember the good old days on here for years to come.


  4. ????


    1. jrdn


      Did they replace Geri with someone else?

  5. I've never been to oover javer kesha2

  6. I'm late to the Sex Education partay but it's so good. I'm on series 2 now alex1

    1. Princess Aurora

      Princess Aurora

      Agreed true1 Season 2 is probably the best one 

    2. Gabe.


      yessss stan a bit! the first half of season 3 was even better!

  7. Is it just me or does drinking pure orange juice make you more thirsty afterwards? interesting1

    1. Entea


      Oh good, just checking you're not the devil.

      Piss nnn it highkey does rip4

    2. Chris


      same with carbonated and soda pop drinks 

    3. Show next comments  9 more
  8. FOTPers are on one again...

  9. @Jess@Nick you're gay

    Nick: huh?

    Jess: You're gay, be gay, be gay, be gay!

    Nick: beeee gay?

  10. The sly hustle


  11. Adele's new era begins then soon after social media collapses, coincidence? I think not

    1. ilya eilish

      ilya eilish

      Yes. Bestie can u please help me? I need it.

  12. It sad that we live in a world where we can't fully trust police officers. If you where told that you're being arrested and they gave a common reason, you can either dig yourself a hole with the law by challenging it or go with them and hope you won't get murdered. And they want to us, especially women, to phone 999 or wave a bus down if your police office is acting suspiciously. It's so messed up. RIP Sarah Everard :(

    This doesn't stop at police officers but doctors too. Who can you trust?

    1. ilya eilish

      ilya eilish

      I know right? It's really sad honestly :(

    2. jrdn


      It's so sad and horrifying. Cressida Dick needs to stand down asap imo, she's clearly not fit for the role as proven by this and previous events. 


    @Royalty: YES I AM!

    *Du du du*

  14. Adele suprise drops her album = Obama dropping the mic and leaving

    1. ilya eilish

      ilya eilish

      I would do the same dead1

  15. @Ghostface I really should be surprised but im not gag1


    1. Ghostface


      Video currently unavailable gag1

      Like @Entea all the time. gag1

    2. Entea


      I'm screaming, not safe for work teas gag1

      I'll try and find it again but you've been exposed at having a Tinder account and making questionable poses with your mask and knife gag1

    3. Ghostface



      Oh my, I have to see it whenever possible again, I am sure it wouldn;t be more tragic thank your Tinder shenanigans. gag1

  16. @Jon. is back!!!!


  17. Brits, you can blame @Snow for jinxing us with a thunderstorm giveup1

    I'm soaking giveup1

    1. V For Vendetta

      V For Vendetta

      It was ROASTING yesterday, like WTF?????? rih10 

  18. I wanna ruin our friendship, we should be lovers instead gaga7

  19. These past few days have really tested my mental health but I've managed to pull through. Don't give up and reach out to someone you trust once you're ready to accept help hug1

  20. You wanna take my Xbox controllers away? I'll take your oven door. Try making your casserole now @carol18 meg1

  21. @cindy_ve, the TV's leaking!!!

    1. Kylie


      @cindy_ve, THIS BITCH IS MESSING UP MY FLOOR meg1 

  22. Maybe if the stars align, maybe if our world's collide
    Maybe on the dark side we can be together, be together
    Maybe in a million miles, on the highway through the skies
    Someday soon we'll be together
