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Posts posted by Chapman

  1. 48 minutes ago, Divine said:

    it's not a joke but it's certainly not a standout! pete's a cute middle tier!


    fair enough, i just wanted to show some appreciation for it. btw goodnight n go sounds like a beautiful "forever boy" part 2, kbfb's impact


  2. relistening and rewatching self-titled, she still did THAT on the visuals. and of course the album is top-notch quality, can't believe it didn't get aoty jj4 

    ST > Lemonade !!

  3. 39 minutes ago, Luca said:

    We all know Dancing With Our Hands Tied, King Of My Heart, I Did Something Bad & Dress outsold! sass1 


    Blocked! ny1tina1 

    IDSB can be accepted as top 5 material along with Delicate, Getaway Car, TIWWCHNT and CIWYW yes! and yes tell the less fortunate how Dress is one of the highlights oprah14 

  4. 42 minutes ago, Luca said:

    Reputation, aged like milk?

    Sis is you okay? Full album still bops to this date! mess1 

    there are features in the record that i know i hate from first listen but choose to ignore because stan loyalty, like the stupid quick hi-hats that exist in the back of nearly every chorus (rfi, tiwwchnt, ciwyw)... really small things that annoy the hell out of me mess1 the top 5s and 10/10s are still 10/10s though

    22 minutes ago, Taylor said:

    Or D**ss ny1 

    don’t put Dress in a same post with ******** awk1  

  5. 5 hours ago, Urbanov said:

    song that contain corny line like "eeeeeeeee nananana eeeeeeeeeveryone" cannot be titled sotc lol are you ok

    i love the bare piano production it's so intimate and relatable and beautiful. anyway sotc is not worth arguing over it's beyond itself but ribs is muy bonito as well
