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Ciggy Socialist

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Blog Comments posted by Ciggy Socialist


    On 8/30/2017 at 10:31 AM, Simón. said:

    Yeah the left clearly call for the destruction of the Jewish people (I mean some actually do, but still) 

    You're confused. I literally just explained what the alt-right is jj4

    Right wing people who don't have fully conventional right wing views. White supremacists, KKK and Nazis are far-right. Alt-right generally take issue with left wingers and right. 

    Milo Yiannopoulos is an alt-right gay Jew. He's not calling for the destruction of Jews or the oppression of gays.

    Blaire White is an alt-right trans woman. She's not calling for the oppression of trans people.

    The alt-right also varies a lot.



    The original blog post doesn't even have anything to do with the SJWs you always bring up in debates so I don't even understand what you're trying to argue or what you're doing in here with these tweets and videos honestly. SJWs are like the evil boogeyman at this point.

    I was saying that things like #NotAllMen and #ThisIsNotUs are mirrored from the other side who use hashtags like #NotAllFeminists.


    things I find necessary for educational purposes since research and discourse can make you more confident in your own arguments and empathetic to others who disagree but may still be good people (not KKK/Neo-Nazis/white supremacists/alt-right/racists though, who have continuously shown that they have nothing to offer but hate).

    I think that on the flip side to those groups are black supremacists, modern feminists, far left wingers and SJWs. I think that even if we disagree with these people, it is still important to hear them out regardless of what extreme they're coming from and not go into the discussions eager to label them. 

    I've found that the alt-right actually are generally liberal and share a lot of view points with the left. The perceived 'hate' probably stems from the fact that they only talk about the things they disagree with. I'm sure if they went into detail about their basic opinions on equality and politics that you would have more in common with them than not.


    I can almost guarantee that if you ask the vast majority of "SJWs" what they think of those tweets about raping and killing "white bitches" they'll denounce them. Do you really think they would be okay with condoning violence and abuse women?

    I find that a lot of SJWs still condone them, as would the KKK. I think that a lot would feel fine with whites being oppressed, even women. 


    And obviously the violence in this video is wrong too but even bringing this up in the first place is exactly what I meant by the #AllLivesMatter crew showing up to derail an important topic. It's fine to talk about these things happening but if the only time people bring it up is when something happens to black people, it looks like they're trying to shift attention to themselves and don't really care about what just happened.

    I think that's a contradiction. We shouldn't try to derail a "black rights movement" when they start being racist and committing hate crimes by starting a conversation about all race equality, but you can talk about it, as long as blacks are being victimised at the time. I don't think white people are bringing it back to themselves. I think they're being inclusive to all races and open to discussion about all racial inequalities when they post #AllLivesMatter.


    Do you even know what alt-right means? It's a dog-whistle for white nationalism, so no, it's not the same as simply right-wing and yes, it does equate to evil. Richard Spencer popularized the term so he could publicly get away with white supremacy and neo-Nazism with little backlash.

    'Alternative' anything means that the group is likely varied, as in genre music in the alternative genre is diverse. So, a lot of alt right people probably disagree on things than most people on other points on the political spectrum. I don't think it's fair to paint them all like this when you have figures like Blaire White and Theryn Meyer, who are trans women who agree with points from the left and the right. 


    I too agree that the left can be just as racist (and the other -ists and -phobics) as the right, but probably for different reasons.

    Common ground! 


    And below you said that liberals and left-wingers are two different groups that tend to overlap, which is true, but here you countered my statement about liberals with one about left-wingers as if you were making an equivalency and using them as synonyms.

    I may have been mistaking, but it sounded like you were conflating the terms with each other.


    I'm white and I've lived in America for almost two decades. Not only am I just white, but my skin is very pale and I have blonde hair and blue eyes so I pretty much look Aryan by Hitler's standards. I've traveled to many parts of my country throughout the Northeast, South, and Midwest, interacted with people from all races, ages, and social classes, and never once has there been a single instance where I faced racism whether it was institutional or personal. You could ask any of my white family or friends and you would get the same exact answer. I keep hearing that America is where "racism against white people" is growing but I have yet to encounter it. If it was real, wouldn't I be a prime target due to my very European features? I don't know her, I've never experienced that emotion, I thought she sang or rapped or whatever. If it's not here, then where is it?

    An anecdote, but I don't see this as entirely invaluable. I actually don't think that racism towards any black or white people is a huge issue. I just want people to be aware that it exists on all sides, towards all sides.


    I thought this was supposed to be civil? So much for that. rip4 It's kind of funny because that's exactly what people say about you all the time, and here you are now trying to call someone else out for it. That sounds like projection to me.

    I said you were sounding like an authoritarian and a fascist, not that you were those things. There's a distinct difference.


    You're not allowed to respond back to someone whose views you disagree with? I never said I was suppressing their freedom of speech, just that I would respond. Saying that someone shouldn't be allowed to challenge racist speech sounds more like suppression of free speech to me.

    You are. The way you were phrasing it sounded like you were trying to overpower the minority opinion by stomping it out with numbers, apposed to conversation.


    And for your information, I took that political compass test and I'm nowhere near authoritarian and I'm only barely left of center so the slinging around of SJW, fascist, and authoritarian can stop. Thanks! :)

    You can still be a authoritarian and fascist on certain issues and not all.

    btw I'm left centre-leaning and a halfway libertarian according to the PC test. 


    So YouTube's policy regarding videos with inflammatory content accurately reflects the consequences that my entire country faces for being racist? The average person isn't even a YouTuber, so if that's the best example you could come up then that's a pretty low bar and proves my point.

    People here don't even get suspended from school for doing something racist unless it was something truly extremely terrible, and even then it's usually only for a few days. Shouldn't people have the freedom to talk back to or stop associating with family, friends, colleagues, and classmates whom they believe subscribe to racist ideologies?

    Far point.


    Shouldn't universities and businesses have the right to reject potential employees and students as a result of values they've expressed online that they believe will tarnish the reputation or image that the school or company wants to portray to the public? Freedom of speech does not protect the speaker from accountability or consequences for their words, except those from the government of course.

    I agree that people should be open to the consequences of their words, but not their ideas. If you don't act on your racism, you shouldn't be fired or denied entry into any school.


    Indentured servants signed contracts. Slaves didn't.

    So because only six percent of Southern white people owned slaves, that somehow diminishes "what black people faced for daring to stand up for themselves throughout history" (my exact words)? I wasn't only talking about slavery but also segregation and other systems of racism between the era of slavery and now.

    Indentured servants were often worked to death, so their masters wouldn't have to pay them.

    I just don't think history, especially now when black people have equal rights, is a relevant argument for anything.


    They are considered equal in the eyes of the law, but not society. That is what I meant and it would be intellectually dishonest to deny that.

    I'm very interested in this perspective at the moment. Saying they have no institutionalised power is just false though. Anyone who can vote has institutionalised power.


    Why should they have to answer to people who think they should be lynched or enslaved because of their DNA?

    I was referring to people in general. The people who want to help.


    It is if you're a famous pop star with millions of Twitter followers who has a long and storied history of riding the coattails of social movements in order to look like a good person. I'm not going to expand on that because this isn't Battlegrounds and I'm not interested in turning this into a stan war.

    I agree. I just think your phrasing sounded too general.


    (Sorry if any of this sounded rushed. I'm busy today)


    Can this be a civil discussion please? Not a back and forth where we (or just you) demonise each other for having different opinions. Maybe we could actually find common ground.


    I keep seeing you ask around about how you can help people of color. Many of you have tried, but you ended up getting dragged for making it about yourself or averting responsibility for being a part of their plight by invoking hashtags such as #ThisIsNotUs (which has quickly become the #NotAllMen of white people laughcry1 ).

    But don't the SJWs do the exact a similar thing.

    When things like this are posted. 


    (Co-founder of BLM Toronto)



    Or when far left wing people disrupt events and get physical, in attempt to get rid of freedom of speech. 



    Start holding your white family and friends accountable for their bullshit. Talk to them about white supremacy, Neo-Nazis, and the alt-right. If they say or do something racist, tell them that it's unacceptable.

    They don't even hold their own side accountable for racist shit.

    e.g. https://www.google.co.nz/search?q=blm+tweets&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwji9IaV8_vVAhVFgLwKHXI0CTcQ_AUICigB&biw=1249&bih=589

    Shouldn't we start holding people accountable regardless of race for any genuine racism they express? Or is it completely fine to be racist, just as long as you aren't white.


    white supremacy, Neo-Nazis, and the alt-right.

    How are the alt-right in the same sphere as these other two? Right wing doesn't equate to evil. 


    I'm so over my fellow white liberals crying about racism, suddenly getting timid when their racist relatives or friends say something fucked up, and then only complaining about it once they're gone.

    I'm so over leftists not calling out the racists on their side.


    Stop making excuses for it.

    Stop making excuses for racism towards white people.


    shut them down

    How about you have a talk and not think you're inherently right all the time and listen to other people's ideas? "shut them down" sounds like you don't want to give others the right to talk and express their opinions. That sounds like the beginnings of fascism.


    Also, your attitude is coming off a lot more authoritarian than liberal. 

    Liberal and Left wing are different things. Right wing people can be liberals too.


    A major reason that racists are becoming so audacious lately is because they face so few consequences when they openly display that kind of behavior, so let's create some.

    Really? Because YouTubers with controversial opinions that go against the left get their videos demonetised regularly. People who question the legitimacy of your narrative are automatically called racists. 


    but that's nothing compared to the violence black people have received for daring to stand up for themselves throughout history.

    Most of those people are dead. Most of the oppressors too. If you're gonna bring history into it, shouldn't we look at indentured servitude that primarily affected white individuals and take into consideration that most whites weren't slave owners.

    To quote a Vice article:

    "Blacks were never close to a majority in America, so it's mathematically impossible for most whites to have owned black slaves. At the peak of black slavery in the South, only 6 percent of Southern whites owned slaves. If you include the white people in the North, it means that only 1.4 percent of white Americans owned black slaves at the HEIGHT of slavery."

    Taken from this article that delves into misconceptions about slavery.


    Unfortunately people of color don't have the systemic power and privilege to change the way things are going...but we do.

    Black people have all the same rights in the US as whites and this includes voting rights. They can vote. They make up 13.3 percent of the population (source). They have power as a collective. Sure it isn't as much as the white population, but they still have some. Saying otherwise is intellectually dishonest.


    It's not their duty to educate you (but if they want to, listen), and asking what you can do to help on Twitter for the sake of looking like a good person is obnoxiously self-serving. "Starting a conversation" is the bare minimum and it doesn't deserve brownie points.

    So they want people to agree with them, but they're not bothered to convince them? Sounds like a great way to get people on your side.

    Asking what we can do to help and starting a conversation isn't helping and is actually "obnoxiously self serving"? It sounds like according to you, black people don't want us to offer help at all, while somehow helping them at the same time. Does this not seem just a tad ludicrous? 

  1. Just now, Dr. Slay said:

    Well I mean I'm not trying to fish for complements but I mean the "half baked" comment was out of the blue but when she called me "retarded", it was because she asked for the water spray but I wasn't paying attention and it was in front of me, so she just called me "retarded", then she called me "dumb/stupid" the other time because I forgot to take out the wet towels out of this plastic bag and they started to smell. I mean they're just simple situations, sure what I did was probably stupid, but I dont see any justified reasons of why you would want to call your own son "retarded" or "stupid".

    I think that happens to everyone, no? We lack a bit of common sense in the moment and our parents call us stupid. It doesn't seem malicious. I'd take it with a grain of salt, but I could see how you could be feeling attack with her harsh responses to simple mistakes.

  2. 7 hours ago, Dr. Slay said:

    So what? What else am I suppose to say. I just wanted to get my thoughts out

    It seems like you're fishing for sympathy, because you haven't detailed the situations and both you and your mothers actions in those situations.

    You could potentially be doing very dumb things, but we wouldn't know. She could be being excessively undermining of your intelligence without good reason, which would be fucked up. To me you not explaining what you did to provoke your mother, if anything (but you didn't say that either) seems a tad suspicious.


    This isn't an attack or anything of that nature. I'm just stating that full context is important in informing quality responses from others.

  3. Avril Lavigne - The Best Thing
    Avril Lavigne - Goodbye Lullaby (Deluxe Edition)*
    Avril Lavigne - Under My Skin*
    Avril Lavigne - Let Go*

    Beyoncé - Lemonade
    Beyoncé - I Am... Sasha Fierce (Platinum Edition)

    Britney Spears - Circus (Deluxe Version)
    Britney Spears - Glory (Deluxe Version)
    Britney Spears - Britney
    Britney Spears - Blackout
    Britney Spears - In The Zone
    Britney Spears - Femme Fatale (Fan Edition) (includes Hold It Against Me vinyl)
    Britney Spears - Oops!... I Did It Again
    Britney Spears - ...Baby One More Time
    Britney Spears - Britney Jean
    Britney Spears - The Singles Collection
    Britney Spears - Greatest Hits: My Prerogative
    Britney Spears - B In The Mix: The Remixes
    Christina Aguilera - Keeps Gettin' Better: A Decade Of Hits

    Demi Lovato - Here We Go Again
    Demi Lovato - Demi
    Demi Lovato - Confident (Deluxe Edition)
    Demi Lovato - Don't Forget
    Demi Lovato - Unbroken
    Katy Perry - Teenage Dream
    Katy Perry - One Of The Boys
    Katy Perry - PRISM*

    Lady Gaga - The Fame Monster
    Lady Gaga - ARTPOP
    Lady Gaga - The Fame
    Lady Gaga - Born This Way (Special Edition)
    Lady Gaga - Joanne*

    Madonna - Madonna
    Madonna - Celebration
    Miley Cyrus - Can't Be Tamed
    Miley Cyrus - Bangerz (Deluxe Version)
    Miley Cyrus - The Time Of Our Lives

    P!nk - Funhouse
    P!nk - I'm Not Dead (Platinum Edition)

    Rihanna - ANTi


  4. Dude's at my school, IN MY CLASS take great pleasure in dry fingering eat other, slapping each others asses, mounting each other and groping each other, for humorous amusement jj4

    I often say "I feel so straight right now" jj4


    "Why don't you all just fuck each other and get it out of your system" jj4

    Sexual jokes are often made at my expense too jj4

    I am basically the most well known gay at school, so I'm not surprised at any mocking jj4

    Also I act pretty gay on top of that which brings negative attention my way, but mostly it's usually positive though jj2
