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Everything posted by Systemagic

  1. I wonder whether Beautiful will get any votes.
  2. Diplo hay1


    1. Systemagic


      As if she had any credibility at this point tay1

    2. ghosting


      anitta tho FUMePx6.gif what a beautiful icon FUMePx6.gif

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  3. Al-Kylieda unanimously supporting Cherry BOMB? Shocking. Let me make a playlist of this top 5 (6) and say goodbye to my wig.
  4. Fever's top 5 was almost predictable but I have no idea how this one is going to look like. Anything could happen.
  5. Madonna and Nile should work together again for old times' sake, besides he's done some amazing stuff this decade.
  6. Chanteuse and BIG=MAC² are my two faves, honestly.
  7. Melodrama obviously. I enjoyed Witness but I'm already over it.
  8. They're definitely being biased This album deserves no less than a 97
  9. Yes and I appear in it as well. '2 Tops 1 Bottom' coming soon to theaters near you.
  10. Clearly not since this is her best record to date.
  11. Slumber (the Tinashe version), MotM and Mood Ring are my trinity. I would've loved Change Your Mind if it wasn't for those awkward bits in Spanish. And Coupure Électrique should've been a bit longer!
  12. Are we doing top 5s for all of her albums? Ready for the MESS that will be X's