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I wish things could be as easy as that. I miss a lot of people here and there were far too many good times to ever be forgotten <3, but the bad apples ruin it for the rest of us.
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American Horror Story Coven was just abhorrent I don't know how even I finished that mess but I never bothered with the following seasons or with anything else by Ryan Murphy for that matter
I also forced myself to finish the fourth season of The Walking Dead because I was already too invested by then to just abandon it but jfc it was so boring and shit The amount of boring filler episodes being centered on the relationships of dull one-dimensional characters that didn't even have effect on the main story line was just too much
Oh please RH wishes to have something as talented, brilliant, amazing etc. as The One Re-listening to it in full for the Top 5 was such a struggle, the fact I used to hardcore stan it
It's okay I was going to listen all of them sooner or later anyways I found a masterpost but it was messy and I'm not sure which one is actually unreleased and which one is just a rare b-side / bonus track. The KM94 ones are by far the best though