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About ChrisMinaj

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  1. Beyonce's "Lemonade" is expected to generate roughly 500,000 album sales as well as over 800,000 track sales this week. While it will not reach the 617K debut mark achieved by her previous album “Beyonce” (a total which, impressively, came after just three days of availability), Beyonce’s new “Lemonade” will still post a strong opening week US sales total — and easily win the weekly race. According to Hits Daily Double, “Lemonade,” which became available for digital purchase on Monday, April 25, is expected to sell 475-525,000 US albums through the close of tracking on April 28. The fig
  2. It's to remain on tidal it's already been said from tidal. This lowkey helps album sales too because not everyone can stream it apart from the 3.5M tidal users
  3. Another clarification: Elle didn't mention iTunes, they're basically saying it won't surface on Apple Music, Pandora nor Spotify... We will just have to wait and see what happens later tonight, their title is a little misleading
  4. Btw Tidal is taking down links left right and centre + I'm reporting any links I see
  5. Maybe in a next week too, along with the physicals