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  1. Wishy Washy, forgettable RnB - she reminds me of a cross over of Vanessa Hudgens and Jade from Little Mix. Song doesn't really take off, the hook isn't strong enough - it's like an Ashanti reject 3.6
  2. Thank you for taking the time to read! What I love about reviewing and reading others is the clashes in opinion and that's a factor that makes music such a great thing! To be completely honest with you, when I've heard the album through a couple more times, my opinions will probably completely change, I can see myself falling in love with "Man in the moon" but on first impressions I wasn't overly impressed haha Have you got a review? I'd love to read!
  3. Genuine question: If Amy Winehouse was alive today and still making music, do you think Adele wouldn't have taken off like she did?

    1. Michael.


       I am better than that hoe wyd. um2 

  4. Britney Spears 'Glory' 2016 Album Review For the Physical Deluxe review click here: https://talkabouttunes.wordpress.com/2016/08/29/britneyglory2016/ 1. Invitation (B.Spears, J.Michaels, J.Tranter, N.Monson) Instantly, this sounds like a zen track from Britney with an Asian twist to it. “Here’s my invitation baby” works great as an intro and literally invites the listener to engage in the journey Britney is providing with Glory. “I just need you to trust me” actually makes me nervous as to what to expect, she is keeping her cards close to her
  5. I'll have to go with a 6.2 - It's such a mature yet fun sound for the group and showcases another side to them - I was particularly glad to hear Niall singing (Even if there is some sort of effect/playback type thing behind his voice. The builds and bridges are great!
  6. 7.4 - The song is contagious, but I feel she embarks on a path to shock for the sake of it, the verses are jaunty and unpleasant to hear, she sounds drunk on them. However, the builds and choruses are great! I like the dance influence mixed with an experimental sound... it was however, a very bad representation of ARTPOP Unfortunately it's forgettable when looking back on her discography.
  7. What a mess of a song. I have no idea what she is saying, the jarring noises are putrid and the structure is non existent. 0.1
  8. 1D Niall explodes at fan after taking a photo of him sleeping on plane: https://talkabouttunes.wordpress.com/1d-niall-explodes-at-fan/ ari1

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MrPopPants


      I know right lol!  I'm not sure where I stand on this whole thing. At the end of it all, Niall is a celebrity and is to expect behaviour like this, it could have been a lot worse - and let's be real, if he accepted a selfie offer, he wouldn't be in this position. Yet again, it's invasion of privacy and creepy as shit. What do you think @Entea?

    3. Entea


      Well people have to stop thinking of them as firstly celebrities and start thinking of them as people. I wouldn't want people taking pics of me without me knowing, never mind while I'm asleep. As a fan they should have understood where Nialll is coming from and that he didn't want to be disturbed as he was sick. Then again if my fave was sitting next to me I wouldn't resist the temptation ny1

      I'm defo on Niall's side tho jj2 @MrPopPants

    4. MrPopPants


      Fair. Very fair! 

  9. Excellent! Just browsed over the rules - so I can only submit mine after Wednesday?
  10. I just can't get into old school Christina, basically anything from Stripped to Lotus is where I'm at. Let There Be Love is one of my faves.
  11. Spice Girls leak 'Song For Her' Not going to be a single brit2


    Emma DreamSmasher Bunton
    Still my fave though

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MrPopPants


      Same, I assume it will leak soon though jj2

    3. Vertigo-go


      I thought that Sun article had a link dead2 Why does shitty tabloid have a leak but real fans don't oprah13

    4. MrPopPants


      PREACH! I'm dying to hear it!

  12. At last, 2 of the biggest names in music have premiered their new tracks online,Britney’s Make Me (ft. G-Eazy) and Katy Perry’s Rise. Both tracks are the lead singles from the pop princesses’ respective new eras, Katy’s 4th studio album and Britney’s 9th – but who has the edge? For the audio and our single reviews, keep scrolling! Britney Spears – Make Me (Ft. G-Eazy) When the track kicks in, the song sounds as though Britney is going in a very different direction to what we have become accustomed, yet she still manages to keep an aspect of the ‘Britney sound’ we have grown