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I'm kinda shook tbh, I never thought she would see this much critical and commercial success in 2020
Very deserved though, Chromatica is a serve and gets better with every listen
Can't blame you since I've only seen the first three episodes, which funny enough is actually where I thought it picked up after two weakish episodes Probably watch the rest soon. McElhenney said he was writing season 15 in quarantine so I guess that's a lock!
that's gossip, what you on
money don't talk, rip that song
gossip, babble on
battle for your life, babylon
I don't know what the fuck she's saying but girl I am living
Literally her worst song along with Daddy
Even during ST and Lemonade she gave us visuals and performances so I didn't care about the lack of promo, but EIL deserved so much more