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I've been thinking about this and wanted to make a thread but that felt reductive so i decided to make a blog post, entry, whatever, about it.
Best Album Tracks: Madonna
Single: Holiday- Its a bop and earned her a spot on the market
Album track: Physical Attraction- the non-singles werent as cute so PA wins ths won, tho Think of Me has caught my eye as well
Single: Material Girl- this one was so hard as like all the singles off this album except Angel are a ten, but this was the first Madonna song i had on repeat when i got my iPod way back in the day and it holds a place among my all-time faves.
Album track: Pretender- She's pretty good herself, this may change tho, just like the debut
Single: Live to Tell- YES i think its the best because im a sucker for ballads and even though Madonna cant really sing to well, she gave off the vibe needed for the song.
Album track: Where's The Party
Single: Like A Prayer- her best song, why wouldnt it be her best single off the album?
Album track: Till Death Do Us Part- this is also one of my fav of her songs, it tells a sad but raw story in a digestible way
Single: Rain- The lyrics and melody SPEAK to me. A great song
Album track: Secret Garden
Single: Take A Bow- I love R&B and Madonna served with this one and the US charts thought so as well as became her longest-running number one there.
Album track: Love Tried to Welcome Me-
Single: The Power of Goodbye- one of her best ballads, a powerful song by melody alone.
Album Track: To Have And Not to Hold
Single: Music- a 21st century bop, rightful number one, etc.
Album track: Paradise(Not for Me)
Single: Hollywood- Madonna continues to go against the norm here
Album track: Intrevention
Single: Sorry- should have been as big as Hung Up, one of her best PERIOD
Album track: Future Lovers/ Like It or Not
Single: 4 Minutes- I like the Celebration version better but its still alright
Album track: She's Not Me
Single: Girl Gone Wild- a bop and one of the sexiest visuals served by a pop girl
Album tracks: Beautiful Killer
Single: Living for Love- one of my personal faves
Album track: Illuminati
Like my singles and album track choices, my ranking of Legendonna's material is purely based of personal taste.
Like A Prayer- From top to bottom() holds some of the best and most musically interesting of her career like the title song, Oh Father and her Prince collaboration, Love Song
Confessions on a Dance Floor- Dance music has always been her strength and no album of the specific genre that Madonna has made holds its quality (looking at you MDNA)
Ray of Light- This album kinda bores me actually but it has some REALLY good songs so it averages out its dull parts with the greatness of some of its tracks
Like A Virgin- We love a strong sophomore effort
True Blue- Live to Tell is that song and thats that on thaT.
Madonna- House introductory bops like Borderline and Holiday, others wish
Bedtime Stories- R&B Madonna is cute
Music- Country/electronic sound does look like it would make sense but being Madonna it works to an extent
Erotica- Rain is a good song
American Life
MDNA- It has Girl Gone Wild on it, that enough for me
Hard Candy- Released when she was 50 and she still sounded intact(as much as someone like Madonna can) so i applaud ha for that
Rebel Heart- Living for Love and B**** Im Madracula bop
Im Breathless- Vogue is one of her top five of all time
Evita- Her closest in sounding as good as Whitney
Who's That Gilr- cause it has to go somewhere
i cant even believe i havent posted one of these since January my gosh. Anyways later this month marks me two years on the forum and if im honest, i've changed so much.
I joined FOTP in July 2016 in the summer summer before sophomore year in high school. I was the strict Celine, Mariah and Whitney stan that cut down anyone who dared to say anything about my fave. I mean, im still like that, but I've learned to accept the truth about people and appreciate whats right and true. In these last two years I've had some downs like gaining even more weight, getting pressured to do things that i really don't want to, had to leave some people i love behind and in result, had to move on and my family was and still is going through a not so pleasant time. Yet good things happened too. I'm not fully out to anyone because of my parents so its not like its official news that I'm gay, but everyone assumes so considering how i act and just present myself. What was good was that i was able to admit to myself that I am gay. For so long i tried to lie to my friends and those who truly cared about me who i was and to myself. Then in freshman year it all changed. I meant some people who loved me for me. They were there for me when i had a crush, there for me when i was sad, there for me when my parents were on their anti-gay rants. They made me more free about who i am and tho I'm not out officially, I'm not exactly worried what people in school say-like i said its all my parents. Sure I'm still confused about myself because religion has been drilled in me since i could think for myself and if I'm honest, I'm never letting that go because i feel that God is real and if I'm gay than that's how i was meant to be, right? He says that he loves all his children and if I'm not doing anything immoral like being a pedo or a criminal of any sorts, i can be punished for loving someone. FOTP played a large part in that too. My eyes have been opened to other opinions on everything and through here, I've learned to accept that my opinions are my opinions and I don't have to mold myself in a mindset that I don't want or believe in. So to a good 2 years on this forum and to whatever future i have with it.
So this was a messy paragraph, but i really hope it makes sense overall. Gosh my first since January and THIS is what I post...
Yeah, yeah ], yeah we already have that on our profile pages, but does it look (or seem in this case) like i care? A bitch has to get them views and upvotes so here are my former names on FOTP and, if you feel like it of course, tell me what names you think i should use again and they will be in bold. I will also post future names that i can/may use.
the great helper22(i dont get this one, it was so...ugh)- July 2016-April 2017
I Am...Me- April-July 2017
*MOONFLOWER*- July 2017-October 2017
*Starlight*- October 2017-January 2018
Moonflower- January 2018-July 2018
Just Whitney- July 2018-present
Bright Moon
Diamond Child
Dawn & Dusk
Adele, despite all of her commercial success, awards and critical acclaim, hasnt released much in her career(i know, a shocker)-as a matter fact only 14 singles in total from three albums, a timeline that spans a decade. Here i will rank this icons singles so far, since it is a bit too small to do an entire megarate on. There will be no comments; i will let you guys who read decide whether the list is overall accurate.
1. Rolling in the Deep
2. Someone Like You
3. Hello
4. Hometown Glory
5. Chasing Pavements
6. When We Were Young
7. Make You Feel My Love
8. Set Fire to the Rain
9. Skyfall
10. Turning Tables
11. Send My Love(to Your New Lover)
12. Water Under the Bridge
13. Rumour Has It
14. Cold Shoulder
In the 90s we saw whitney mature, vocally and artistcally. She still sang about love, but also about children and world peace and of course, her love for God. Here, im gonna count her top 10 songs from the decade that gave us so many of her best songs.
I Have Nothing- Every performance of this song brings me chills. She sounded soft and powerful, mature and novice. She sang this song with all she had and that what made it the classic it is.
I Will Always Love You- The most inspiring song sang by a female vocalist, Whitney set the benchmark even higher with this materpiece. She owned this song just as much as Dolly did.
Its Not Right But Its Okay- Its not right but ist okay, its her best bop anyway. Some real sass, let us know how Whitney's marriage was going. Just a bit.
Im Every Woman- I really love this song, i know all the words. Whitney was the only one who could do a Chaka song justice
My Love is Your Love- I love this songs. She sounded relaxed and happy in the recording and it reminds us that lve between two people of a group of people can be unbreakable- in a way only Whitney could say.
Im Your Baby Tonight- A bop that had amazing visuals, Whitney's evolution had taken place in my opinion
Run to You- This would have been a hit if the Bodyguard hadnt been selling as well as it did. She shattered the world with these vocals she was so full. She made even a song about being lonely sound great.
All the Man That I Need- She once more took the art of singing to another level with another vocal gymnastic of a song. She had so much feeling with this, which only intensified when she sang it live.
Exhale(Shoop Shoop)- A calm song with a new, mature Whitney. Slay queen.
Heartbreak Hotel- When R&B's greatest singers come together to make a masterpiece like that, its isnt a small thing and the charts showed that.
Whitney didnt release much music throughout her career, especially when compared to acts like Madonna and Rihanna, but with what she released, she made history and impact the mainstream radio forever with her one-in-a lifetime voice.
Greatest Love of All- Listening to it today and I almost cried. With the voice, the look of young innocence it was hard to imagine that one day this talent would end up where she did. The lyrics of this song have inspired many and Whitney displays it with such passionate vocals that it makes you feel it was written especially for you.
One Moment in Time- She used that big voice for another mammothal performance, giving us one out of many moments in time when she made us bald. The live performance of this song at the 1989 Grammys is AMAZING.
I Wanna Dance With Somebody(Who Loves Me)- The video was cool and bright,she sounded new and fresh from her debut era and served talent in every line. 30 years later, its considered one of the greatest pop songs of all time.
Saving All My Love for You- Her first song to win a major award(a Grammy AND and Emmy eventually) and her first of nearly a dozen chart toppers, Whitney revealed a little on the insight of what it was like to be your love's second, or even last choice. Controversial queen too, people tried to bring her down for it too!
How Will I Know- Pre-IWDWS, this feel good song love song which reflects the troubled love life of a young girl. The video is also creative, with all the colors, dancers and imagery.
So Emotional- Her voice, her energy her charisma. Mnay people say Whitney was unhappy, but i dont think that started until the Bodyguard era. her, she was smiling and laughing too much to be suffering. But if she was she was a darn good actress.
You Give Good Love- At first i avoided this song like a plague whenever i played Whitney's videos on YouTube. It looked ancient and uninteresting, but when I gave it a chance, it blew my mind how good the song was, forgotten when people talk about Whitney's best and the best in soul/R&B music in the 80s in general.
All At Once- Someone pointed out one of the lyrics after her death "All at once, i finally took a moment and Im realizing that, you're not coming back" and it broke my heart to see how many people she left heartbroken after her passing. This song is now an ode to her.
Where Do Broken Hearts Go- This is one of my personal favorites. She sounded angelic and looked so beautiful in the video you'll be wondering if she really WAS an angel. I mean i was. She made the heartbreak and hope sound so strong on this track and along with the music they did it with made one of the greatest songs of Whitney's career.
Did We Almost Have It All- The album version is simply EPIC.
Whitney had amazing songs, despite many people saying she had the weakest discography out of her peers. I just think Whitney didnt go into topics as deep as Janet or Madonna and she didnt write like Mariah, but Whitney deserves to be respected for how she took every song put before her and made it her very own.
From 1985-2009 Whitney released seven studio albums, including one Christmas album, two movie soundtracks and several compliation/greatest hits and box sets. Here, i will rank all nine of Whitney's originally recorded material, even though i think all these albums are great.
My Love Is Your Love (1998)- Whitney sounded full and strong here and it was amazing to see how she managed to fit in with the younger generation in that era with what was the biggest genre at the time, R&B. Not only were its singles literally some of the best in her career, but it also had gems like "I Was Made to Love Him" and the ode to Bobbi Kristina(RIP), "You'll Never Stand Alone"
Whitney Houston (1985)- Her debut really was a great album. She had the vocals that were new and bright and intruging; never before had someone used powerful yet soothing vocals to make pop jams and Whitney's self-title was one of the first to pioneer the young black princess image that Beyonce, Alicia Keys and Rihanna all wore in the beginning of their careers
I Look to You (2009)-Whitney;s last album, this recorded was honestly a good final taste of the legend. She covered almost her entire career style, R&B, pop, gospel and adult contemporary with this release. She sounded worn and lively at the same time and she had so much emotion singing power ballads like "I Didnt know My own Strength" and the title track.
The Preacher's Wife soundtrack (1996)-I was raised with gospel music and Whitney was too, and she seemed all too happy to get to record a full gospel album(which the Grammys failed ton recognize). She soared though the record version of "I Believe in You and Me", got us foot-stomping with "Step by Step", and grunted and fidled through "Go To the rock" and "I Love the Lord", a personal favorite favorite. Whitney also made gospel global, it reached peaks of No.2 in France and topped the charts in SWI, NLD and SWE.
The Bodyguard soundtrack (1992)- I dared to put this lower, but then "i Have Nothing" came on the radio and I could find it in my heart to." I Have Nothing" influenced a generation of vocalist across scores of talent show auditions/performances, "Run to You" and "Im Every Woman" are highlights in Whitney's catalog, and we will always love IWALY no matter how annoying it can get.
Whitney (1987)- This is a good album. Safe, sweet and innocent Whitney belting out heartfelt ballads and giving bops, this is the Whitney everyone loved.
Im Your Baby Tonight (1990)- Slick R&B tunes, of course the ballada and great visuals, Whitney did a small but apparent evolution, and here she began to crack free of the pure pop princess image that had given her a record seven consecutive chart toppers, for better and worse as we would see. "Miracle" is such an underrated song by the way
Just Whitney (2002)- I ranked it low along with her christmas album because the GP prefers the other albums better, but this is a solid R&B album. I love "Try It on My Own" and I bop to "Whatchulookinat" and i sing her version of "You light up My Life" on top of my lungs all the time. "With joooooooooooooyyyyyyyyyy"
One Wish: The Holiday Album (2003)- At 40, Whitney wasnt in the best shape in the public eyes yet she recorded a flawless Christmas record. She sang with power, soul and a maturity that was key. Unless you heard her 80s records, you would have never guessed this woman was doing heavy substances at the time.
The hate this album get is outrageous. i mean, personally, it ranks second after My Love is Your Love and is my favorite of all her albums. Maybe it was th time in her career it was released, but this is a good album, full of hidden gems and some of the best songs Whitney has ever recorded.
One Of Those Days-9/10
When the first son g off an album sucks, it sets a bad taste to the listener, fan or not. But Whitney's first track was the case. One Of Those days is a song about hoping, needing a time of peace from all the stress of daily life and while for Whitney it was much bigger than that at the time, this song is a more than decent track.
Tell Me No-10/10
Yes, this is the first 10/10 track off the album. I feel as if this was a jab to her record label, who were still trying to control her nearly 20 years into her career. With the defiant lyrics and Whitney's booming voice and the little guitar-like riff at the end makes this a great track to listen to.
Things You Say-9/10
Like i said, i really like this album and at first, Things You Say is a track I wondered if Whitney didnt really pay attention to. It in a way, reminds me of Rihanna's "Love On the Brain" as they both sound lazy and a bit tipsy but its a cool R&B track to listen to when relaxing in a tub full of warm water or by the fire on a rainy day.
My Love-7.8/10
Y'all know how I feel about the majority of Whitney's duets. Im not trying to say Bobby Brown is a talentless act, but this was his, what, second collab with Whitney and the first time, this song was just not good at all and this time, his voice had lost alot of it's goods, and , unlike Whitney, who was going through the same problem, he couldnt make it sound good.
I have a Whitney Houston track-by-track review i have to do today, so this one is gonna be quick. Today I will be listening to Katy Perry's fifth studio album, Witness, which was released on Friday.
Now lets get this clear. I disapprove of the hype for this song when it really isnt THAT great. But off the album, it is a highlight and truthfully is a song her fans can be proud of.
Hey Hey Hey-8.7/10
Now that I'm re-listening to the album, Hey Hey Hey is a nice record. I like how she sounds so baby-ish and the lyrics are, like some others say, an anthem.
The lyrics are fun. The production is great. She sounds great and i officially deem this song one of the best in her career. A clear single choice to end this era.
Swish Swish-8.5/10
Why does Nicki have to drag her beef in this song? Didnt she already address her Remy Ma thing with No Frauds? Anyways, the song has a nice beat, but as a follow up to Bon Appetit single-wise it falls a bit short.
Deja Vu-7.8/10
Katy seemed to be dreaming when she made this song. She doesnt sound as focus as the last three tracks, but the chorus in some ways saves it.
I like how this track is, too me, drastically different from her previous material. The beat drops, the key changes, not much of the TD or PRISM Katy. And to be quite honest it isnt bad.
Mind Maze-7.5/10
Mind Maze was panned by the iconic critic @Royalty giving it a 5/10. I say 8 because i find it, like Power, artistically intresting...a rather deep saying for an artist like Katy Perry.
Miss You More-8/10
This song was crafted well and the lyrics are heartfelt.
Chained to the Rhythm-10/10
I expressed my like for this song since it was released. At first, i didnt really grasp the hook and the melody was a bit off, but after listening to it a couple times, i confirmed its greatness.
Ok song. Not marvelous and not bad, Its cute.
Bon Appetit-10/10
This bop doesnt deserved to be disliked. I know the Migos controversy makes it a bit uncomfortable to listen to, but its a song radio should click to as its great. I to be quite honest, i like the Migos part on it.
Bigger Than Me-8.6/10
Its a fan favorite and its conusing, but the"its happening" part is echoing in my head so it must be a hook.
Save As Draft-10/10
Probably the most sentimental track on this album, it reminds me of "Unconditionally"
This has some R&B influence, a bit of a 70s groove melody-wise. I think its one of the truly best off the album.
Into Me You See-8/10
The first verse made me so sad. She must have wrote this from the heart. My only complaint is that it too soft. I almost forgot it was playing at one point.
Overall Rating:8.606
You know, i wish the USA were more like the rest of the world in their style of music. Like Rockabye, an amazing single, spent 9 weeks leading the UK Charts...but hasnt gone any higher than 9 in the US so far. Despite being the fifth best selling female artist in the country with 50 million albums sold, she doesnt have the lasting impact that Mariah and Madonna have here. But anyways, for us Americans who think Celine is probably the best thing to happen to classical adult contemporary in the 90s, lets run though some of the best singles of her career.
10.All By Myself(1996)
I cant tell you how much times I have attempted to sing this song. It doesnt make me cry, but the vocal climax, like many Dion songs, gives me goosebumps all over.
9. If You Asked Me To
She covered a Patti Labelle song. Patti the vocal pioneer Labelle. Who dares? Well, Celine, even at the start of her English career took on songs on keys beyond comparison and even if it didnt exactly hit the jackpot, it was a magical performance.
8. Power of the Dream
Frankly, if you dont get chills listening to this recording, you need help. I liken it to Whitney Houston's "One Moment in Time" as both were inspirational ballads for the Olympics that remain one of the best vocal moments for both of these ladies respective careers. 7. Power of Love
Ever Celine fan knows this. Its almost impossible not to.
6. A New Day Has Come
Her comeback after ending the 90s and having a baby, Celine returned to show the Britney's and the Christina's how to really put on a show. In time with her famous Las Vegas resindency, Dion was a stong as ever, with new music reflecting on her child.
5. Thats the Way It Is
You are incredibly funny if you think this bop wouldnt be on my list. I am obssesd with this masterpiece. The production, the lyrics and the force that is her voice makes this one of her career highlights. It really good.
4. To Love You More
"You will see i will give you, everything you need. im the one who wants to love you more." SHE WAS A BEAST WITH THIS SONG! Not only did she sing over a professional orchestra, but she echoed through this track so easily, im so mad the world didnt treat this single well enough.
3. Its All Coming Back to Me
The ending to this song was so beautiful. This is a timeless piece, and you cnat denying its perfection
2. Because You Loved Me
Why did she have to release one of the best pop albums of the 90s...better yet why did she have to make this song in general. Its such a great song, one all Celine fans should know.
1. My Heart Will Go On
Like Whitney's IWALY, this was obviously gonna be at the top. Not because its nesecarily the best(Thats the Way Is is a better song arguably) but this is what made Celine a LEGEND. Its powerful meaning, supreme vocals and lyrics that can make Hitler cry, this is one of the best ballads to ever be recorded. Im so serious. No wonder its the second biggest single by a female artist.
I never posted a full on review about this album, so i thin a track-by-track review will do it justice.
I Wanna Dance With Somebody(Who Loves Me)-10/10
Billboard deemed this one of the greatest pop songs of all time- and does Billboard lie? Hardly honeys! So when i say this song is easily among Whitney's best, im not lying. Its a popular opinion.
Just the Lonely Talking Again-7.7/10
A 7 is just above average. An 8 is amazing. So to put this song as a 7.7, i mean its better than some songs off the album, but compared to others, its blands. Whitney tries a more "soulful" and "sexy" approach with this one, and for some reason, i find it a bit of a reach.
Love Will Save the Day-6/10
The beginning really kills it. She makes this sound so dated, its too much. I mean, its cute, but if I was like @Vilppu , this would have gotten a 5-maximum.
Didnt We Almost Have It All-10/10
A beautiful adult contemporary tune, i love this production and the lyrics are endearing. And the conviction and power in her voice remains unmatched. She sounds so raw and true towards the end, it deserves a place in her top 15 songs, seriously.
So Emotional-9.6/10
This is a bop. Like her high notes on this are incredible.
Where You Are-6.8/10
Sounds like a watered-down version of Saving All My Love For You.
Love Is a Contact Sport-5.6/10
George Michael-sounding song, it just seems like plain filler. Like im just not here for it.
You'e Still My Man-8/10
Now that im bothering to listen to it, its a great ballad. Her voice is very strong here.
For the Love of You-6/10
The track sounds too typical. No wonder it didnt win its Grammy nomination in 1988.
Where Do Broken Hearts-10/10
Feels so god to type in 10/10 fo a song that remains one of Whitney's most moving songs. I can here the hope in her voice as if she really mean t the words he was saying. You never know, she probably did.
I Know Him So Well(ft. Cissy Houston)-10/10
Im not the biggest fan of her mom's voice. There's a shaky quality to it that contrast a bit too sharply with Whitney's voice. yet they togethor make the track sounded a million times better than the bland original. One of Whitney's best duets.
Aggregate Score:8.154
Like i said in a full on review, this is one of the greatest debuts in pop music in general. This is the first part of the Whitney Houston Megarate i was referring to earlier.
You Give Good Love-9/10
I was really reluctant towards this song whenever it came on. It wasnt as smooth as SAMLFY and as infectious as HWIK. It took some time for me(thats a line in the song by the way)to accept it for the classic it is.
Thinking About You-7/10
Whitney's earlier songs that werent singles were often dull. Thinking About You has a great beat, but this song as a whole is rather lackluster.
Someone for Me-7.5/10
Only slightly higher than the previous track, Someone For Me just seems like less filler to me.
Saving All My Love for You-10/10
You cant stan Whitney and not appreciate the innocent magic that is Saving All My Love. Now the meaning may not be innocent, but the song represented alot of young girls at the time and its vocal style was so pure, it could have been crystal.
Nobody Loves Me like you Do-7/10
This is a nice little duet, not one of her best though. i feel as if she could do better.
How Will I Know-8/10
I Know right? No ten out of ten? Well, i feel as if, as great a job Whitney did on this, the production sounds wayyy to dated to be honest and the video is a low-key mess. Its real highlight is the superior vocals on it. The little repeat at the end is cool too.
All At Once-10/10
The lyrics are heartbreaking, her voice is so compelling and the arragment, this song deserved to be a smash. It is such a great song.
Take Good Care of My Heart-6/10
No. Not at all. I accepted the first one, but two duets with the same person on one album? With jermaine jackson? Just no. its a fine 6
Greatest Love of All-10/10
Whitney's "Hero", with the cheesy, yet sentimental inspirational lyrics, its just that this one i never overplay. It is a well crafted song, one out of the many Whitney did justice.
Hold Me-10/10
This is an amazing duet. Their voice compliment each other and its sounds like an instant 80s classic. Whitney's early vocal were outstanding.
Im gonna rate all her songs from all her albums basically. I know you guys my not be here for it, but its just a little appericiation towards my fave.
It starts Thursday.
Whitney's Discography
Whitney Houston-1985
Im your Baby Tonight-1990
The Bodyguard-1992
The Preachers Wife-1996
My love is Your love-1998
Just Whitney-2002
I Look to You-2009
Mariah is really one of my favorite artists. From the first time i heard her on Pandora, she caught my attention and she's been one of my top faves ever since. So, to show my like for her unique music, Ive made a countdown of her best songs(IN MY OPINION)
Always Be My Baby-It may be a weird choice from her very extensive discography, but when i first heard this song fully, i fell into an obssesion. She sounded so fluid, so pure so clear. She was powerful, yet delicate at the same time. The lyrics made were amazingly written(when i heard it, I was young so nearly everything amazed me). In general, it will probably always be MY song.
When You Believe-Now, if this was by herself, it probably would have not been this high. But with the vocal power of both her and my all-time fave, this song never doesnt get me in chills. The emotion is so real and they amaze me with every note they sing. Mariah's whistles and Whitney's belts are the epitome of vocal excellence.
Through the Rain-It was hard to choose from such a huge amount of singles, but i had to include this masterpiece. The lyrics touched me and i feel as if this a more mature(and arguably better) version of Hero. The video explained a strong story which made the sing more loveable. And the ending was so toe-curling good! It may seem like an exaggeration, but i really mean it.
Love Takes Time-This song introduced me to Mariah. I was so hung up Whitney(i had just discovered her earlier that year), i didnt pay attention to other artists when they came on the radio. But THIS did, The melody, the high notes, how delicate and beautiful she looked on the single cover, was more than amazing. More than great. It was extraordinary. She really took it to another level with this song.
I Stay In Love- I stanned as soon as i heard it when @Sylk tagged me on the rate the song game. I all i have to say:FLAWLESS
Whitney Houston(album)
*Like I did for Madonna, i will make a post about Whitney career and my thoughts about her musicality and personal struggles. You guys will see i dont think she is the earth, water and sky like it seems like in my post.
Now you guys know i love me some Whitney. She is by far my favorite artist. She has influenced- no, im not gonna get into that, let me just start with the review.
Vocally, Whitney was at the top. At her debut, there were no female artist using full-on vocals and breaking in through mainstream. She sounded so clear, so pure,her voice was cool and powerful. She swooped, cooed, belted and took it to an entire new level. Stephen Holden from New York Times said she sang with a romantic innocence and had the dignity of someone much older, and i fully agree. Lyrically, the songs werent very deep, but they were ultimate classical love songs that seemed to represent a teenage girl's love life at the period of time(look at the lyrics of "How Will I Know"). "Saving All My Love for You " was a side-h** song, with Whitney singing "You got your family and they need you there" It like ann "thats just an old fantasy" song, and believe it or not, it relates to more people than you would think. And lets not forget "Greatest Love of All", which is the ultimate inspirational ballad(Whitney has an entire side of those ind of songs)It doesnt matter that Whitney didnt write the songs; it feels as if she did, because she sings with so much conviction. The production was good, with the fresh beats of "Someone for Me" and "How Will I Know" very memorable. Highlights are "How Will I Know" which she sounded phenomonal ans the video was nice and colorful, the R&B tracks "Saving All my Love" and "You Give Good Love" were both some of my favorite songs from Whitney's entire career. "Greatest Love" is an undeniable classic, you just cant not love it and"All At once" is a good song, a song many sang after Whitney' s death considering the lyrics "And the smile used to great me". The critics werent wrong when they say it s one of the greatest debuts ever released.
Lyrically: B+
Production: B
Vocals: A+
Overall: A-
(This is a rant. I may not really mean all i say about her, i just want to spill all the thoughts i had about her since ive know her)I have mixed views about Madonna. I respect her legacy and her accomplishments and she has her bops, but i just dont see the obssesion with her. I say she is untalented, her stans ay she can songwriter, but are real silent when i bring up her vocal and dancing abilities. As a matter of fact, Madonna was, to me, a vulgar, no good popstar was acted like she was 25 intsead of 50. Of course, I outgrew that thought; why else would some of her classics be in my library? And i get she can put on a show, yet so can Usher and he hasnt had a hit since like the beginning of the decade. i dont like it when people claim Madonna did this and that yet ignore what other female artist have done which are arguably the most impressive. I had a thread on it and the people who answered just proved my point. And i figured it would be no use; this forum stands on the shoulder of Madonna stans.
Now for my likes of her. Madonna managed to remain in the public eye, and through good and bad, she never cracked. She has served longevity, still grossing $100 million dollar-tours, selling millions of albums and gaining a top 10 hit all in her 50s while her contemporaries stopped making hits by there early 40s. Unlike Britney, who faded out by the end of the 2000s, Madonna managed to cross multiple decades with unforgettable hits. I personally like how she has so much energy and how she is so competitive. Many artist say they dont care about the charts and they do it for the fans and because they love music, but Madonna has made it clear that she is wants to be number one at all times and its a brash personality thati like from her. I feel like if she hadnt had so much competition, she would've had more number ones than any artist in Hot 100 history. Madonna really knows her tunes. She has made countless albums(it just feels like it) and they all have a wide variety of songs from country-fueled songs on American Life and 50s pop music on Im Breathless. I like that she always re-invents herself, a new style for every era in her prime. So, no matter how much trash i can say about her, Madonna is a true legend, a visionary icon who has influenced countless artist of all generations.
Best Songs:
Marerial Girl
Till Death Do Us Part
Like a Prayer
Express Yourself
Dont tell me