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Everything posted by Hermione

  1. Grand Piano by Nicki Minaj, especially the violin sample from Rush Rush.
  2. I know autopsy reports are public record but it still feels like we aren't supposed to know this, like it's an invasion of her privacy. I hope her family already knew about it and didn't have to find out this way. As sad as this is, I hope it brings attention to relapsing and it won't set a dark cloud over Carrie's legacy of being so open with her drug abuse struggles and helping other addicts.
  3. Hermione


    Thank you all for the kind words, I appreciate it so much! <3 What makes you think they can't? I'm not getting into the details of what I mean by that, but I got my feelings out and I can move on now so it doesn't matter either way.
  4. I did everything, the rides were for little kids so they weren't that difficult to run and only needed one person at each one. So I took the tickets, buckled them in, and operated it. A triple threat legend!
  5. I love amusement parks! I used to work at one
  6. Hermione


  7. Don't hate me because I'm beautiful, hate me because I'm here to stay.
  8. ...Because the n-word isn't something for people to be outraged and offended about? Girl please.
  9. I got bored and made this graphic on Paint, because @Driven referred to Shania Twain as the queen of Canada and I was feeling inspired! cry6


    1. Hermione


      @Anna-wa I like her too but I'm a loyal long-time listener of everyone above her so that's the only reason she's not higher cry6

    2. Quill


      Carly cry6 Céline cry6 Shania cry6 Alanis cry6 Michael cry6 

    3. Sylk


      Put Alanis in 2nd tier tina1 

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  10. California Gurls is such a fun guilty pleasure for me, so I'll go with that.
  11. Hermione


    @#Music I don't think you ever saw this Part two is coming today!
  12. Hermione the #1 SJW snowflake of this forum misses his problematic online BFF #Music by the way and can't wait for him to be done with exams sob1

  13. A heartwarming story that restored my faith in humanity.
  14. It sounded like he was justifying the shooting to me, which is why that was my gut reaction. I know that and I was tired when I said that, sorry.
  15. Okay, I was just confused and wanted clarification because that would be fucked up
  16. So are you saying that the Second Amendment gives citizens the right to murder politicians?
  17. Did it hurt not receiving an invitation for All-Stars?
  18. True but you know people are still going to run with that narrative regardless without any fact-checking
  19. There is a pretty good argument going around about how elected officials blocking Twitter accounts from seeing and replying to their tweets can actually be considered suppression of freedom of speech, it's very interesting and Stephen should sue.