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Everything posted by Hermione

  1. I always loved this song Such a great high school graduation/starting college bop too!
  2. @Royale get on here asap, we have MAJOR TEA to discuss giveup1

    1. Hermione


      And this is my "Are you sure you want to know?" face rih1

    2. Anna-wa
    3. error404


      My DMS are OPEN wendy1

    4. Show next comments  24 more
  3. So excited about the new sections. Congratulations to the Lambs and (I hate this nickname but I don't know what else to call them laughcry1 ) Al-Kylieda! cry7

    1. Ciggy Socialist

      Ciggy Socialist

      I'm offended that you would compare Kylie fans to terrorists.

      You can't joke about that.

      I'm offended.


    2. Hermione


      23 minutes ago, Rosé. said:

      I'm offended that you would compare Kylie fans to terrorists.

      You can't joke about that.

      I'm offended.


      Image result for silence gif

  4. Sent out the PM so if you make it through the initiation process I will send you a one-on-one PM first and then you will be inducted if you choose to join
  5. Alien, and the first I saw in theaters was Gone Girl. That's such a recent movie for it to be my first, but I've never had that much interest in seeing R-rated movies in theaters. If something has such heavy subject matter that it gets an R rating, I prefer to watch it in the comfort of my own home.
  6. Half of the comment was still on topic so it's okay. I don't even watch the stuff he's in, but I just think he's so striking in an unconventionally attractive way and I'm so here for it! My type has always been nerdy in a cute way and he definitely fits the bill. Possibly! I will have my alliance take a vote and if it's overwhelmingly yes I'll send you the details and you can decide if you want in. It probably won't pan out until tomorrow afternoon though so expect to hear back around then if it's a yes
  7. Completely unrelated but nobody understands the huge crush I have on Rami Malek and I feel like you would But if you want me to add you to an alliance PM let me know and we can make a deal
  8. #HermioneLittlebowsCONFESSES FOTP Big Brother All-Stars Edition: Day One It feels so liberating to hit the reset button and have a clean slate. My reinvention is coming along swimmingly, and I'm actually getting along with all of my housemates so far. I like almost everyone participating this season, and I can at least tolerate all of them. I don't see myself becoming enemies with anyone yet, but that could easily change once the warm fuzzy first-day-of-school feeling fades away and the real competition begins. My only complaints are the increasingly frequent s
  9. I would love to have a 12-week number one hit on the Billboard Hot 100 so thanks for the compliment!
  10. I need my co-stars to like me this season so my drags won't be as frequent and messy unless they are towards a widely hated player ofc!
  11. No need to apologize! We'll miss your legendary presence this season though
  12. No, I agree with you tbh. I feel bad for the kids, but wow. The desire to be famous on social media isn't just emotionally damaging, it's physically damaging now too. That's exactly why it's so creepy. It reminds me of Black Mirror in the sense that it seems crazy when you're watching or reading it, but the more you think about it, it's not nearly as far-fetched as it seems and it's not entirely outside of the realm of possibility.
  13. OMG, I gasped when I saw this pic. How on earth... What would possess someone to think this couldn't end in any other way than certain death? There's a reason that bulletproof vests aren't made from copies of A Song of Ice and Fire.
  14. Same here! Her album is completely different from that song though, it's definitely more raw and acoustic-sounding compared to that legendary mess.
  15. This whole thread (but your comment especially) reminds me of this really well-written short story on r/nosleep that's basically a cautionary tale about how these dumb clickbait daredevil challenges can go horribly wrong. People really need to think about all of the possible outcomes ahead of time to make sure it's completely fool-proof and ask themselves if it's really worth it. Way too many people think that they're invincible and they won't ever be the person who ends up getting injured or killed in an accident.
  16. Blair from Gossip Girl, and the song is actually very good so you should check it out. I like every single one of these though, they all deserved better.
  17. Tea I'm doing horrible so far I already had a meltdown at @Chapman.
  18. Hermione and Taylor are the type of girls to get permabanned after their PMs leak
  19. Weren't you the first to go on a surprise eviction while eating a microwaved hot dog for dinner or something? BYE you won't be missed omg lmfao I may be keeping it cute this year to the other contestants but fortunately you aren't one anymore, so eject reject
  20. Just kidding I'll be in an alliance with literally anyone Everyone hated me last season and I'll take all the alliances I can get for my reinvention era