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About MonsterGaga5555

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    Certified: Silver

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  1. Fucking near 30 year old Australian man wasting the last several YEARS so pressed and SEETHING 

    1. G like MC

      G like MC

      Oop this tea was too hot for you I see lmfao2 

    2. G like MC

      G like MC

      The way you SCRAMBLED after my friend NicoleRichiePurpleHair exposed you and you RAN to make damage control. lmfao2 

    3. G like MC

      G like MC

      Go back to messaging twinks on lastfm into joining your MICROSCOPIC forum lmfao2 everyone learns eventually  who the LOSER and CREEP is behind the mask lmfao2 Or maybe you’ll just have a meltdown and sabotage your own forum again lmfao2 a Trainwreck lmao lmfao2 

  2. You said that we met? lol2
