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Dan last won the day on November 5 2019

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15,730 Excellent

About Dan

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    ⭐Let love win, just give in. Goodness is bright, so you can see⭐

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  1. Mood Ring by Lorde is quite literally the best song ever yas1 

  2. Yes! It's such a fantastic game, and I love the writing for it. I wish the campaign was longer, but I really enjoyed it and the world-building is perfect. Ooh, I haven't played any of the Resident Evil games besides one of the really old ones, but I just got Resident Evil 7 so hopefully will play that after Outer Worlds. I was watching some RE Village gameplay and that game looks incredible.
  3. @Dennis Reynolds What have you been playing lately? I just finished Horizon Zero Dawn, and absolutely loved that. I also played through God of War, Control, Long Dark, and a lot of Subnautica. Now I'm onto playing Outer Worlds, which is really fun and Fallout-esque.
  4. Ungodly Hour is the best album ever made idk what else to say bey7 

  5. cat.png

    Serving taste gaga13 

  6. It's dumb but in the best way, I really love the song It gives me Sweet Escape deep cut vibes CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAPPTYY CLAPTYYY CLAP

    It's just so good cry8 

  8. Bree Runway is the future bey7 

  9. Kelly is making some of the best songs of her whole career right now yas1 


  10. Does Kylie Minogue have any other albums that sound like DISCO? I loooove this album rih1 

    1. Atlantis Princess

      Atlantis Princess

      Light Years and Fever

    2. Dan


      Thank you! Will give those a listen bey5 

    3. ajp


      Light Years (2000) and Aphrodite (2010)

  11. Playing tons of The Long Dark recently, such a perfect game. Absolutely would recommend it to anyone, it's so peaceful yet exhilarating at the same time. Also playing a lot of WoW Shadowlands, got a little back into Dead By Daylight.. Also Superliminal and some Animal Crossing on my switch.
  12. This is a must watch

