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i don't know why but i've been feeling very empty lately
it's nothing to do with anyone or anything i just feel weird and un-satisfied
nothing seems interesting anymore tbh
but ik this is just a shitty phase i get every summer because my summers are so shit
i just feel weird like nothing is interesting even the drama on here i'm starting to find it really boring and meaningless
i also started feeling low-key unwanted on here which isn't helping
& i'm honestly starting to feel like a fad
i probably am a fad
so yea
hey y'all i thought i'd make a list of my top 20 favorite knee songs!
Honorable mentions:
Lonely , I will be there , Toy soldier , DYWCO , Just like me , Get Naked , Breathe on me , Everytime , Intimidated , SMS , Ooh lala , Seal it with a kiss , Don't Cry & Passanger
20) Perfume
19) Mannequin
18) Just luv me
17) Piece of me
16) Satisfaction
15) S&M (remix)
14) Gasoline
13) Just begun having my fun
12) Crazy ( Album Version )
11) My prerogative
10) Do something
9) He about to lose me
8) Make Me
7) Hot as ice
6) I got that boom boom
5) Womanizer
4) Slave 4 U
3) Break the Ice
2) Toxic
1) Gimme more
I thought this would be a cool start for my blog
Still don't know how they work so umm yea
anyways from the fame seeker to fartflop
these are my top 10 ladey gags songs
*feel free to comment yours
1)Alejandro/Just Dance
The songs that got me hooked used to be and still is my bop
Still don't know they are about tho...
2)Do what you want Ft Xtuna
The only song xtuna makes better
3)Telephone Ft.Beyonce
2 queens 1 song=bop
4)John Wayne
Love the instrumental
5)Perfect delusion illusion
relatable & amazing
THE best song off of fartflop
Iconic, amazing, relatable
F-F-F-Fuck her face F-F-F-Fuck her face
*it's just good tbh
*a bop ( i used to think it was called disco stick)
69)This Is How We Do Ft Riff Raff
67)Tik Tik Boom ft TI
66)Slave 4 u
64)He about to lose me
63)Bad Husband ft X Ambassadors
61)Cheap thrills
60)This is what you came for ft Rihanna
58)Just like fire
57)Telephone ft Beyonce
56)Make Me ft G eazy
55)Bang Bang Ft Ariana & Nicki
54 ) SMS ft Britney Spears
53 ) River ft Ed Sheeran
52) End Game ft Future & Ed Sheeran
51) Call it what you want
50)Turn me on ft Nicki Minaj
49) Side to Side ft Nicki Minaj
48) Be my baby ft Cashmere Cat
47) The Hookup
46) Walking on air
45) Birthday
44) Hey Ma ft Nicki , Afrojack & Bebe rexha
43) Me , Myself & I ft Bebe rexha
42) Worth it
41) Don't let me down
40) Down ft Gucci mane
39) Lose yourself
38) Just lose it
37) My darling
36) Work ft Drake
35) Moment 4 life ft Drake
34) Sweet Dreams
33) Crazy in love ft Jay Z
32) The story of OJ
31) The monster ft Rihanna
30) Rude Boy
29) Crazy Kids ft
28) No Mediocre ft Iggy Azalea
27) Mo Bounce
26) Switch ft Anitta
25) Disco Tits
24) Delicate
23) Look what you made me do
22) I did something bad
21) Work from home TY dolla sign
20)We are never getting back together
19) Shake it off
18)Wolves ft Selena Gomez
17) Hot n Cold
16) Break the ice
15)Bitch im madonna ft Nicki Minaj
14)Get into the groove
13) Kill the lights
12) Swish Swish Bish
11) Bonappetit
10) Womanizer
9)Same song & Dance
8) 22
7 ) Scream & shout ft Britney Spears
6 ) Cool girl
5) Wide Awake
4) Without me
3) Toxic
2 ) Ready for it
1 ) Gimme more
Hey y'all and welcome to my review (kinda)
of camila's debut album! Can't wait to listen since I've heard nothing but good things about this album
1-Never Be The Same
It's not really that good I expected more since it's the starter but it's ok the chorus kinda annoys me but it's a ok song
2-All these years
its very cool I really do like it it's pretty good I'd listen to it by the beach or smth
3-She loves control
the beginning is really bad but the rest is ok nothing great but it's fine
5-inside out
i get a tropical vibe which is pretty cool the chorus annoys me too but the rest is cool tbh this sounds like the " Brave new girl " of the album , Femme fatale's inside out outsold
it's a amazing song but it's one of these songs I'd listen to when I have no other song to listen to
7-Real Friends
I love the acoustic vibe and probably the 2nd best song on this album and I kinda relate to it
8-Something's Gotta Give
I really love the chorus it's amazing and I also can relate to this
9-In the dark
the beginning sounds very similar to something's gotta give but it's a good song I like it
10-Into it
It sounds familiar I think I've heard a similar song in 2008 or 09 but it's a bop
i give this album a 8.5 out of 10
It has a bunch of good songs and bops but bad & boring ones too I found myself skipping some tracks because I got really bored after 1 or 2 mins
I’m disgusted
fuck isis
these cunts who take the religion of Islam which is supossed to be about equality and peace then twist it and interpret it into whatever suits their motives and goals using it to promote fear and scare everyone
making the phrase “Allahu Akbar” god is great , a word of fear when it’s not supossed to be
I’m sick of ignorant fucks not even spending a few minutes of research and just saying “ MOSLEMS ARE BARBARIC ISLAM IS BARBARIC ERADICATE ALL MOSLEMS “ not even realizing that isis is bombing mosques and mainly invading MUSLIM populated countries
I’m sick of Isis making islam look like a barbaric religion , killing innocents and destroying countries like Syria
you don’t see people putting #pray4syria? Or talking about it in news or Iraq they don’t give a shit all they’ll do is ignore it While isis is killing millions news channels are busy reporting on what trump fucking ate for dinner because that’s way more important
i saw a disgusting video of this son of a bitch saying he’s gonna blow his daughters up while he’s SMILING and HUGGING them
i felt like throwing up how could someone be so fucking cruel and disgusting to do that
these cunts are ruining millions of people’s lives
yet no ones doing shit about it
USA doesn’t give a fuck
Saudi Arabia doesn’t give a fuck
the list goes on
perhaps instead of saying “ Pokémon is a distraction from the Jews!!!!! “ , “ fidget spinners are satanic !!!! “ or posting pics of obviously photoshopped pictures and being like WOW LOOK AT GODS CREATIONS
maybe these idiots can do something useful and condemn these disgusting pieces of shit
its like you’re a person and you have a tiny scratch and a giant wound bleeding
what you do is over exaggerate over the scratch and let your wound keep bleeding
people are so fucked up
fuck this , fuck isis and fuck society
toh ,toh ,toh ,toH
leef uoy ekam nac I ybaB
em ot pu mraw uoy teL
thgir uoy teg ot em wollA
eci eht kaerb em teL
toh ,toh ,toh ,toH
leef uoy ekam nac I ybaB
em ot pu mraw uoy teL
thgir uoy teg ot em wollA
eci eht kaerb em teL
toh ,toh ,toh ,toH
leef uoy ekam nac I ybaB
em ot pu mraw uoy teL
thgir uoy teg ot em wollA
eci eht kaerb em teL
toh ,toh ,toh ,toH
leef uoy ekam nac I ybaB
em ot pu mraw uoy teL
thgir uoy teg ot em wollA
eci eht kaerb em teL
haey ,doog adnik sleef tI
hoo ,trap siht ekil I
toh ,toh ,toh ,toH
leef uoy ekam nac I ybaB
em ot pu mraw uoy teL
thgir uoy teg ot em wollA
eci eht kaerb em teL
toh ,toh ,toh ,toH
leef uoy ekam nac I ybaB
em ot pu mraw uoy teL
thgir uoy teg ot em wollA
eci eht kaerb em teL
gniyas m'I tahw s'tahT
pu ezorf er'uoy tub ay evom annaw tsuJ
annaw uoy fi wol nwod sthgil eht nruT
annaw uoy fi pu taeh eht nrut nac eW
gnizalb ti teg s'tel ,ay no tsorfed tih annog m'I
won nworg er'ew deracs eb attog t'nia uoY
won enola er'ew ekil skool ,hoO
pu ti teg em tel os ,hguone teg t'nac I dnA
etal gnitteg s'ti esuac' gnitiaw yltneitap m'I
?noisacco eht ot esir uoy naC
808 na ekil gnitaeb traeh ym toG
yaw siht tlef reven I ,dezitonpyh em tog uoY
?tey pu gnimraw uoy era oS
toh ,toh ,toh ,toH
leef uoy ekam nac I ybaB
em ot pu mraw uoy teL
thgir uoy teg ot em wollA
eci eht kaerb em teL
toh ,toh ,toh ,toH
leef uoy ekam nac I ybaB
em ot pu mraw uoy teL
thgir uoy teg ot em wollA
eci eht kaerb em teL
gniyas m'I tahw s'tahT
pu ezorf er'uoy tub ay evom annaw tsuJ
annaw uoy fi wol nwod sthgil eht nruT
annaw uoy fi pu taeh eht nrut nac eW
gnizalb ti teg s'tel ,ay no tsorfed tih annog m'I
won nworg er'ew deracs eb attog t'nia uoY
won enola er'ew ekil skool ,hoO
pu ti teg em tel os ,hguone teg t'nac I dnA
enasni gniog em tog uoy ekil sleef ti dnA
enacirruh a ekil gninnips ydob ym tog uoY
eman ym yas uoy woh tuoba gnikniht neeb ev'I dnA
emac uoy dalg m'I tub elihw a neeb s'ti wonk I
won ereh m'I tuB
gnitiaw uoy tpek evah t'ndluohs I wonk I
" there once was a dumb bitch who wanted to know more about his fave"
"he wanted to know why Vevo didn't upload the dark child remix mv"
"so then he got on google and he searched up why"
"then he saw a thread on a website called exhale/breathe heavy he thought it was a porn website"
"but then he saw that it was a forums website so he opened it"
"he then decided to make an acc cuz it looked cool"
"and after 6 months of being a good hoe"
"this group of trolls came by and were shitting on britney"
"so some random hoe called one of them a fag"
"then they got triggered and asked me what I thought of it and if I was offended"
"I said idk I'm not gay so I'm not personally offended but if I was I wouldn't really be"
"then that SJW son of a bitch said I hated gays and made a big deal"
"so after ruining like 5-10 threads with this petty drama"
"i upvoted a post which told the SJW to play in traffic so then when they found out they spam reported me"
"they played the victim and said I was sending them death threats"
"they told like almost everyone on the forum so then I got banned for 1 day & my content was moderated for like 1 or 2 months"
"that bitch didn't get anything even though he was calling me illiterate, homophobic & made fun of my religion"
"so after waiting 2 months for it to finish"
"some bitch said Britney would fuck up the Superbowl when the rumors came out so I quoted her and said Britney isn't retarded she knows it's a big deal"
"a giant meltdown happened & i was spam reported again (cuz i said the word retard)"
"The warning said it'll finish in 7 days"
"so after waiting like 1 month and a half"
"i messaged the admins and told them it's been a month please remove it"
"the cunts didn't answer so i emailed them again they still didn't answer so i was like fuck this shit
"and that's when i realized it wasn't exhale it was exHELL"