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Status Updates posted by secret

  1. Believing god is stupid but believing that we came from nothing and something appeared out of nowhere is logical lmfao2 give me a fucking break 

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Savage


      @Kenny Mccormick i did not deny that there's a "creator" behind all of this, but i'd use different terminology to go through a lengthy discussion like that, because i don't believe god takes a human form or act like humans or wtv as most Abrahamic religions suggest.. so this whole "create", "god", etc.. can stay in religious books, and let's talk about solid facts, like let's enjoy the poetry of reality, often known as "science".

      "Created" from "nothing"? well, you can read about this one and tell me what you think: 




    3. Savage


      After you are done with the link i've provided, i'm sure you will be prepared to read this:


      the two has to be fused together to see the bigger picture.. 

    4. secret


      @BEAUX I believe in the Big Bang but I don’t believe that it happened out of nowhere I believe someone triggered it to do that , I didn’t say you denied creator sis I said that I find the old man in the sky thing stupid 

  2. we should replace the kylie section with a mj section

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Aidan.
    3. Jae


      4 minutes ago, Aidan. said:



    4. Hylia


      The simple truth is that we don’t have an MJ fan base on here, rendering a section for him pointless. Impact has nothing to do with it, it’s just the facts of the forums.

  3. It's not really the best idea to go to fuck boy and slut central with a group of girls and being the only boygaga12

  4. Just heard BOMT on the radio 

    queen of longevity and relevance when will make me or glory TBH

  5. i wish i can change my username now i regret my new name it's so shitty and doesn't fit what i'm trying to go for this eragaga4 


    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Kylie


      You want a new username?

      You want a succesful era?

      You want more rep points?

      You better Work B*tch (Clean Version)!

    3. Brightflower


      @Savage yes legend of course i remember 

    4. Philip


      Show the good sis @Onika your deepthroat skills and he might help you moo12 

  6. I just realized that the German in Scheiße isn't actually German and it's just gibberish oprah14 what the fuck gagsoprah14

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. TomTom


      Well, it's ok. I'm rather indifferent towards Gaga's music.

    3. Dancing Queen

      Dancing Queen

      HDU Not like Schieze after gibberish-german words? It's a great bop

    4. secret


      I love it tho wdym

  7. OMFG I swear to god Melanie is ok FOTP

    @NicoleRichiePurpleHair.jpg Bitch! She posted something about sexualising babies remember our “ conversation “ about that

    scream1 I’m shook 

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. secret
    3. Chris


      @BEAUX http://melanie-martinez.wikia.com/wiki/Cry_Baby_(Character)

      i highly doubt she wears this kinda clothing in her daily life jj4 


      @Vertigo-go you mean a crib orly1 and no she doesnt orly1 


      @NicoleRichiePurpleHair.jpg orly1 

    4. WinnieIsFree


      Melanie Martinez is a creepy weirdo, but her music still bops. That's my stance on her.

      My friends don't walk they run, skinny dip in rabbit holes for fun sass4 

  8. sorry lambs but eminem killed mariah in " the warning "

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Brightflower


      his album isnt flopping tho...

    3. secret


      @*Starlight* ikr and i'm sure when the mvs are released and he starts performing more they'll get a boost

      moo found dead after being snatched by revival tbh 

    4. WinnieIsFree


      His album is flopping end of discusooon, especially to his standards. 

      Bodak yellow is the most acclaimed rap song of the year 

  9. So happy I could die is such a bop but too much “ touch myself “ sis has a masturbation addiction 

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. secret


      dead4are you saudi yourself or do you just live there

    3. H.O.N.E.Y
    4. secret


      wig flop of the arabs indeed brit13

  10. Btw @Emperor Nick is the new @Frozen

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Villanelle


      My own status oprah1 thank you 

    3. secret


      @Emperor Nick <3 I don’t see y u don’t voted and said thank you tho 

    4. Villanelle


      I'm polite xx

  11. B10 needs a ballad , glory broke the tradition & i'm still pressed about thatbummer1

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Dancing Queen

      Dancing Queen

      Oh right, well.. I didn't notice any ballads on Gloria, so jj2 

      Just chewing gum-pop-trash on dance floor, that's it tho.

      Maybe Make Me as a ballad jj2 

    3. Dancing Queen

      Dancing Queen

      I Will Be There is underrated. Buy it or stream it!!!!1111 alex1 

    4. Jose


      If Alien counts as a ballad, then I think Mood Ring does too jj2 

  12. there hasn't been a emote vote since junebrit5 are we gonna have one for september cuz i have some good emotesgiphy.gifgiphy.gifgiphy.gifgiphy.gif

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Aidan.


      tomato1 is legit me every single day

      Me on phone to client: giphy.gif

      Me being told Kylie's album is delayed: giphy.gif

      The thought of being a functioning human: giphy.gif

    3. secret


      1 minute ago, Vertigo-go said:

      We've been using it for 5 months, see those fads claim they invented it, like Born This Way / Express Yourself giphy.gif

      there's a reason I have gaga as my avi ;)


      sorry if i took credit for that sis dead7  if it ever becomes official i'll always give you credit for it gaga6



    4. secret


      1 minute ago, Aidan. said:

      tomato1 is legit me every single day

      Me on phone to client: giphy.gif

      Me being told Kylie's album is delayed: giphy.gif

      The thought of being a functioning human: giphy.gif

      and that's why we need to vote for it when the emote poll opens!lj1

  13. @Disney was such a icon tbh what happened to him?brit15

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Villanelle


      If we are thinking of the same disney his dick fell off 

    3. Michael.


      @Radar was an icon, whew his posts were a kii eve1 

    4. SWINΞ


      7 hours ago, Salvatore said:

      Same thing that happens to all Disney legends. oprah14 


      7 hours ago, Salvatore said:

      No. He's grown up and became a hasbeen. oprah14 

      Didn’t you do a series of Disney names tho? hay1

  14. Applause is one of the best lady Gaga songs tbh 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Dancing Queen

      Dancing Queen

      there are WAY more best songs than this tbh. too much praise

    3. secret
    4. Dancing Queen

      Dancing Queen


      get out of the way

  15. Gaga looks so cute in my avi she looks like a mini ferret with a wig and make up she looks so adorable gaga12


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Anna-wa


      @SWINΞ What are their names? wub1

    3. SWINΞ


      @Anna-wa well technically one is my roommate’s... mine’s name is Ziggy and hers is Zoe! :)

    4. Anna-wa


      Awww <333

  16. wow picmonkey are such cunts that recently you can't export anything w out a member shipwendy4 fuck you picmonkey tbh

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Jony


      Try befunky 

    3. Dr. Slay

      Dr. Slay

      fucking picmonkey wendy4

    4. Holiest Dreams

      Holiest Dreams

      I noticed this too recently wendy4 I always use it to edit pics. Trash!

  17. sorry but this is the best kylie minogue song 


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Vulnicura.


      if you're looking in the 2000s alone



    3. Sylk


      I don't see where you posted a link to Aphrodite or Some Kind of Bliss but any Kylie praise is always welcomed ! 

    4. Aidan.


      Not even close but ditto to what Sylk said jj2

  18. @Havanna-wa your new name is flawless dead2 I actually really like it oprah10

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. fab


      Or how about 

      Sir "Idol" End Game yas2 

    3. Anna-wa


      I think @fab is FABULOUS.

      Just wish he would post more in the Bey section again...

    4. Dancing Queen

      Dancing Queen

      @fab sis

      dear, i luv you

      but you can do better than this!

  19. So I finally made myself an Artpop Act 2 album on iTunes and it slays burn1 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. secret


      Mess at cake like lady Gaga sounding the joke song sounding better than most of Joanne katy3

    3. Chris


      with what? jj3 

  20. Pumkin is such a whore i'm glad she got eliminatedmoo12

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Brightflower


      Flavor of love? moo12

    3. Quill


      New York quickly put Pumkin in her place. What an iconic moment.

    4. secret


      @Just Whitney the iconic show where we got these gifs fromhottie1ny1ny2ny3ny4ny5ny6ny7ny8ny9ny10ny11ny12ny13ny15ny16

      it's also where the queen of gifs Tiffany Pollard got famous


  22. I just made my first Stan twitter account and as i was about to post my first tweet they locked my accountgaga6 what the fuck
