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Status Updates posted by secret

  1. messdead2



  2. She’s coming to end all the other rap bitches 

  3. watermelon juice is THAT bitchalex1

  4. KP5 is coming girls gaga1



  6. Cattitude is such a BOP alex1

  7. Britney better not be fucking taking off outrageous off of anything 

  8. 👁👄👁 big titties

    big butt too 👁👄👁

  9. maybe melanie martinez isn't a rapist 


    1. Americunt


      Well, of course fans of Melanie Martinez are going to defend her like the sycophants they are. Solely caring about the evidence they've invented to suit their narrative is like relying solely on Fox News for information; a tremendously bad idea.

    2. secret


      sis did you even watch the video ? lol3 the woman herself is a victim of sexual abuse and isn't much of a fan she even criticised melanie's fans for saying rape is okay lol3 she isn't the only one who noticed the amount of bullshit in timothy's statements many others have noticed the flaws in what she said

  10. Maybe Rihanna snapped on her discography kesha5 Imagine being so iconic 

    Question Existing , Talk that talk , Numb , s&m , needed me etc etc kesha5

    1. Chris


      no no no bawp and meh

  11. DaVinci is rolling in his grave 


  12. So sis looks like Cardi and Nicki made peace , is this our 



    1. Simón.


      May the peace last and the feud Rest In Peace jj2 

  13. But god forbid nicki complains about a number 2 album 1!1!1!1



  14. The fraud jumped OUT



    1. rosekesha


      That's sneaky i like it bey1

  15. my lotus era is coming

    1. Ghostface


      Is this supposed to be good? xtina3

  16. Payola Works Hard but Talent Works Harder 

    A Rap Bitch Nightmare


  17. Women Like Nicki brit7

  18. Omg I remember having a crush on Ariana Grande when she was on victorious 💀 i wish cat valentine would come back one last time.mp3

  19. Hair Body Face is giving me serious Primega Vibes giveup1 not this soundtrack outselling Joanne & C2C already when I’m 2 tracks in 
