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    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Entea


      Yeah, It's only been a month or two since I came back to the forum myself rip4

    3. deleted


      Are you on ATRL by any chance? mad2 

    4. Entea


      Yes, same name. I'm not active on there tho

  2. That's their personal business what they want to believe in. As long as they aren't using their religion to hurt others, I don't see the problem. It's obviously an outdated look on science, but they're not alone.
  3. I need to listen to Charlie Puth's new album but I'm lazy and not too enthused 

    1. rosekesha


      it's cohesive, has a great flow, couple of fillers, attention is the best song off of it

  4. I can't believe Avicii is dead omg

  5. you really had to put that nasty ass on my news feed...fall9

  6. As if Rihanna is worried about her sales while she's traveling the world, meeting heads of state and being a humanitarian. aretha1

  7. Homosexuality? I might know her. 

  8. It's always really sad to see talented artists fall off the map because they refuse to sell out for the charts. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dan


      Joss Stone too cry4 

      Her first album sold like 7-8 million and the the next few did super well too, but once she created her own label and started not selling herself out, she started making much better music, but not suited for radio. 

    3. Satori


      Imogen Heap ahs1, Laura Mvula ahs1, Robyn ahs1

  9. @anxiety @nigma join no holds barred jj2

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    2. JupiterRising
    3. JupiterRising


      yeah same. need 80 more posts. fuck that. i have a life.

    4. JupiterRising


      i'll be banned within 50 posts. ahalyao.gif~c200
