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Autumn Variations

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Autumn Variations last won the day on March 4 2022

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  1. I haven’t been feeling well last night. I was close to throwing up and my body has gone warm for some reason. :(

    1. Dennis Reynolds

      Dennis Reynolds

      You probably have a fever, I would guess? 

    2. ajp


      It’s flu season. vomit1

    3. Chris


      'tis the season for the flu, etc

      or it could also be the Norovirus.

  2. Did Shawn Mendes get the 4th album curse?

    1. ajp


      5th ari11

    2. Diego


      lol he did get it back in 2020 

    3. Chris


      I bought the new album but haven't listened to it yet ari6


  3. https://twitter.com/Sony/status/1858964513716138265
  4. Nope... https://twitter.com/NICKIMINAJ/status/1857155753263694151
  5. Well, turns out he's NOT the Sexiest Man Alive this year. Someone else is.