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Tama last won the day on December 30 2024

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  1. I watched a video on YouTube yesterday. It was someone who was apparently quite a popular (?) figure in the American libertarian politics section. He's an African-American guy. He said that people a.k.a. "the left" are too quick to make the George Floyd tragedy as a White v. Black racism case, and he also said that the actual matter is police brutality. Funny how dumb the guy is. Yes, it's about police brutality/violence and there's a huge problem within American police systems, but it's also about racism. It IS about racism that the cop who is a White American guy possibly has against black people. Nobody else has to be argued as racist to Floyd aside from him because he was the person who knelt down on Floyd's neck; that skinny ass white cop. Also, dude, people are literally demanding the punishment for other officers that were also there at the scene, including the big sized Asian American cop. They don't go unnoticed, but maybe his twitter feed is all about "iT's NoT rACiSm aT aLL BeCauSe tHeRe IS aN AsIaN lOoKinG CoP iN ThE viDeO!!!!!!!!"


    Seriously stupid.
